
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
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P. L. G. Benoit1969Citations d´Anoploures africains
P. L. G. Benoit1969Anoplura recueillis par le Dr. A. Elbl au Rwanda et au Kivu (Congo)
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1964Anoplura (Siphunculata) - Vshi
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L. Freund1924Läusestudie V. Die Kaudalregion der weiblichen Läuse
F. Louis Paul Gervais1844Dicères épizioques
G. H. E. Hopkins1945Stray notes on Anoplura
T. E. Houdemer1938Liste des hôtes et de leurs parasites
T. H. Johnston, Harrison L. J. S.1913A note on Australien Pediculids
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J. A. Ledger1980Phthiraptera (Insecta)
J. Maltbaek1937Lice from foreign mammals in Danish collections
E. Mjöberg1910Studien über Mallophagen und Anopluren
C. Ludwig Nitzsch1864Beobachtungen der Arten von Pediculus
F. Xavier Pajot1996Notes sur les Anoploures de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, du Tchad et du Cameroun (Insecta, Anoplura)
E. Ries1931Die Symbiose der Läuse und Federlinge
E. K. Sikes, Wigglesworth V. B.1931The hatching of Insects from the egg, and the appearance of air in the tracheal system
G. J. Spencer1966Anoplura from British Columbia and some adjacent areas
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith