
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Anonymous2003A parent's story: "I felt lost and hysterical"
Anonymous2003Dealing with head lice--how have times changed?
D. Z. Altschuler2003Parents know best
A. M. Bailey2003Head lice: update on biology and control
D. Bessis, Chraibi, H., Guillot, B., Guilhou, J. J.2003Erythema annulare centrifugum induced by generalized Phthirus pubis infestation
I. F. Burgess2003Head lice
C. N. Burkhart2003Fomite transmission with head lice: a continuing controversy
C. Chen, Gould, A. L., Tipping, R. W., Guzzo, C., Furtek, C.2003Effect of within-household reinfestation on design sensitivity
S. Consigny, Chosidow O.2003Cutaneous infections in the homeless
K. M. Dacy2003Conditioner and comb works for us
J. C. Das, Sharma, P., Singla, R.2003A new treatment modality for phthiriasis palpebrarum
S. Dolenska2003Re.: Parents know best
D. M. Elston2003Drug-resistant lice
B. Estrada2003Ectoparasitic infestations in homeless children
T. Fenton2003Re.: exclusion from schools and nurseries
F. W. Fraunfelder, Fraunfelder, F. T., Goetsch, R. A.2003Adverse ocular effects from over-the-counter lice shampoo
A. Frydenberg, Starr M.2003Head lice
J. S. Lopez Garcia, I. Lozano, G., J. Garchitorena, M.2003Phthiriasis palpebrarum: diagnosis and treatment
J. Goldsmith2003Nit-picking
J. Harris, Crawshaw, J. G., Millership, S.2003Incidence and prevalence of head lice in a district health authority area
L. Houhamdi, Fournier, P. - E., Fang, R., Raoult, D.2003An experimental model of human body louse infection with Rickettsia typhi
N. Ikeda, Nomoto, H., Hayasaka, S., Nagaki, Y.2003Phthirus pubis infestation of the eyelashes and scalp hairs in a girl
J. Jiang, Temenak, J. J., Richards, A. L.2003Real-time PCR duplex assay for Rickettsia prowazekii and Borrelia recurrentis
K. N. Jones English,J. C.,3rd2003Review of common therapeutic options in the United States for the treatment of pediculosis capitis
R. Kittler, Kayser, M., Stoneking, M.2003Molecular evolution of Pediculus humanus and the origin of clothing
Z. Kmietowicz2003Information for patients: removal of lice and eggs by combing
A. Kokturk, Baz, K., Bugdayci, R., Sasmaz, T., Tursen, U., Kaya, T. I., Ikizoglu, G.2003The prevalence of pediculosis capitis in schoolchildren in Mersin, Turkey
N. Kumar, Dong, B., Jenkins, C.2003Pubic lice effectively treated with Pilogel
H. Lapeere, Stichele, R. H. Vander, Naeyaert, J. M.2003Evidence in the treatment of head lice: drowning in a swamp of reviews
I. MacMillan2003Toxicity in head lice treatment
G. Masuda2003Relapsing fever
W. M. McLean2003Why does Bug Busting fail?
M. Moses2003A simple matter of grooming
A. Ramirez, Almeida, F. F. Luduena, Almiron, W. R.2003Prevalence of Pediculus humanus capitis infestation in school children at Despenaderos, Cordoba Province
G. W. Ressel2003AAP releases clinical report on head lice
D. Robinson, Leo, N. P., Prociv, P., Barker, S. C.2003Potential role of head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis, as vectors of Rickettsia prowazekii
J. Ann Rosenfeld et al2003Another misapprehension
S. Sim, Lee, I. Y., Lee, K. J., Seo, J. H., Im, K. I., Shin, M. H., Yong, T. S.2003A survey on head lice infestation in Korea (2001) and the therapeutic efficacy of oral trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole adding to lindane shampoo
Smith,S., Smith, G., Heatlie, H., Bashford, J., Ashcroft, D., Millson, D.2003Head lice diagnosed in general practice in the West Midlands between 1993 and 2000: a survey using the General Practice Research Database
R. Speare, Cahill, C., Thomas, G.2003Head lice on pillows, and strategies to make a small risk even less
M. Takano-Lee, Velten, R. K., Edman, J. D., Mullens, B. A., J. Clark, M.2003An automated feeding apparatus for in vitro maintenance of the human head louse, Pediculus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
M. Takano-Lee, Yoon, K. Sup, Edman, J. D., Mullens, B. A., J. Clark, M.2003In vivo and in vitro rearing of Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
M. Tanyuksel, Araz, R. E., Albay, A., Aycicek, H.2003Prevalence and treatment of Pediculus humanus capitis with 1% permethrin and 0.4% d-phenothrin in Turkey
C. Teasdale2003Put 'Best Treatments' under the microscope
T. Tomita, Yaguchi, N., Mihara, M., Takahashi, M., Agui, N., Kasai, S.2003Molecular analysis of a para sodium channel gene from pyrethroid-resistant head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
J. A. Varela, Otero, L., Espinosa, E., Sánchez, C., Junquera, M. L., Vazquez, F.2003Phthirus pubis in a sexually transmitted diseases unit: a study of 14 years
Z. Yong, Fournier, P. - E., Rydkina, E. B., Raoult, D.2003The geographical segregation of human lice preceded that of Pediculus humanus capitis and Pediculus humanus humanus
K. Sup Yoon, Gao, J. - R., Lee, S. Hyeock, J. Clark, M., Brown, L., Taplin, D.2003Permethrin-resistant human head lice, Pediculus capitis, and their treatment
K. C. Yoon, Park, H. Y., Seo, M. S., Park, Y. G.2003Mechanical treatment of phthiriasis palpebrarum
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith