
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
H. Bradshaw1989How prevalent are head lice
T. - H. Chin1989Paradoxophthirus, a new generic name for Hoplopleura emarginata Ferris, 1922 (Anoplura: Polyplacidae)
J. DeFelice, Rumsfield, J., Bernstein, J. E., Roshal, J. Y.1989Clinical evaluation of an after-pediculicide nit removal system
M. S. Gomez1989Presence in Barcelona of Holopleura pacifica (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae) a parasite of Rattus norvegicus
R. Haitlinger1989Arthropod communities occurring on small mammals from non-wooded areas of urban agglomeration of Wroclaw
I. G. Horak, Keep, M. E., Spickett, A. M., Boomker, J.1989Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIV. Arthropod parasites of bushbuck and common duiker in the Weza State Forest, Natal
S. W. Lindsay, Snow, R. W., Armstrong, J. R., Greenwood, B. M.1989Permethrin-impregnated bednets reduce nuisance arthropods in Gambian houses
D. R. Mader, Anderson, J. H., Roberts, J.1989Management of an infestation of sucking lice in a colony of rhesus macaques
M. G. O'Callaghan, Beveridge, I., Barton, M. A., McEwan, D. R.1989Recognition of the sucking louse Linognathus africanus on goats
L. Charles Parish, Witkowski, J. A., Millikan, L. E.1989Pediculosis capitis and the stubborn nit
Y. V. Raote, Narsapur, V. S., Niphadkar, S. M., Deshpande, V. S.1989A record of Haematopinus quadripertusus Fahrenholz, 1916 (Anoplura, Haematopinidae) in India with a note on its incidence
R. J. Signor, Love, J., Boucree, M. C.1989Scalp infection with Phthirus pubis
R. J. Signore, Love, J., Boucree, M. C.1989Scalp infestation with Phthirus pubis
P. Volf, erný V. Č.1989A second finding of Linognathoides laeviusculus (Grube) (Anoplura) in Rumania
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith