
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Anonymous1973Kopflausbefall (Pediculosis capitis). Verhütung und Bekämpfung. Ratschläge an Ärzte
J. L. Boese, Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Walsch, W. T., Fiset, P.1973Antibody and antibiotic action on Rickettsia prowazeki in body lice across the host-vector interface, with observations on strain virulence and retrieval mechanisms
Perry, A. S.1973Biochemistry of DDT resistance in the human body louse Pediculus humanus humanus
J. Vinson, W.1973Lethal effects of juvenile hormone-like substance on human body lice
R. Levy, Cromroy H. L.1973Concentration of some major and trace elements in forty-one species of adult and immature insects determined by atomic adsorption spectroscopy
R. Levy, Cromroy, H. L., Cornell, J. A.1973Abstract: Major and trace elements as bioindicators af acute insect radiosensitivity
K. Mellanby1973Arthropod ectoparasites of Man
R. T. Rao, Dhanda, V., Bhat, H. R., Kulkarni, S. M.1973Abstract: A survey of Haematophagus arthropods in Western Himalayas, Sikkim and hill districts of West Bengal: a general account
N. C. Ronald, Wagner J. E.1973Pediculosis of spider monkeys: a case report with zoonotic implications
H. Schenone, Falaha, F., Villarroel, F., Rojas, A., Szekely, R., Rojo, M., Palomino, H.1973The infestation by Pediculus humanus capitits in Santiago, Chile
M. Schenone, Falah, F., Villarroel, F., Rojas, A., Széksly, R., Rajo, M., Palomino, H.1973La infestación por Pediculus humanus capitis en Santiago de Chili
M. Takahashi, Mihara, M., Ohtaki, T., Mori, K.1973Lethal effects of synthetic analogues of juvenile hormone on the body louse (Ped. h. corporis)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith