
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
T. A. Bell1998Treatment of Pediculus humanus var. capitis infestation in Cowlitz County, Washington, with ivermectin and the LiceMeister(R) comb
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J. P. Carteaud1969New aspects in electron microscopy by scanning in dermatology. Cutaneous parasitology: Pediculus humanus capitis and Phtirus inguinalis
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T. Lynn Meinking, Vicaria, M., Eyerdam, D. H., Villar, M. E., Reyna, S., Suarez, G.2004Efficacy of a reduced application time of Ovide lotion (0.5% malathion) compared to Nix creme rinse (1% permethrin) for the treatment of head lice
T. A. Morsy, el-Ela, R. G., Nasser, M. M., Khalaf, S. A., Mazyad, S. A.2000Evaluation of the in-vitro pediculicidal action of four known insecticides and three medicinal plant extracts
J. O. Ochanda, Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Ben-Yakir, D., Okuru, J. K., Oduol, V. O., Galun, R.1996Characterization of body louse midgut proteins recognized by resistant hosts
R. J. Pollack, Kiszewski, A. E., Spielman, A.2000Over diagnosis and consequent mismanagement of head louse infestations in North America
V. Rupes, Chmela, J., Kapoun, S.1992Findings of body lice (Pediculus humanus L.) in Czechoslovakia
D. Taplin, Castillero, P. M., Spiegel, J., Mercer, S., Rivera, A. A., Schachner, L.1982Malathion for treatment of Pediculus humanus var capitis infestation
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith