
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
B. M. Boyd, Allen, J. M., Nguyen, N. -phuong, Sweet, A. D., Warnow, T., Shapiro, M. D., Villa, S. M., Bush, S. E., Clayton, D. H., Johnson, K. P.2017Phylogenomics using Target-restricted Assembly Resolves Intra-generic Relationships of Parasitic Lice (Phthiraptera: Columbicola)
J. G. Baldwin-Brown, Villa, S. M., Vickrey, A. I., Johnson, K. P., Bush, S. E., Clayton, D. H., Shapiro, M. D.2020The assembled and annotated genome of the pigeon louse Columbicola columbae, a model ectoparasite
J. G. Baldwin-Brown, Villa, S. M., Vickrey, A. I., Johnson, K. P., Bush, S. E., Clayton, D. H., Shapiro, M. D.2021The assembled and annotated genome of the pigeon louse Columbicola columbae, a model ectoparasite
S. E. Bush, Villa, S. M., Altuna, J. C., Johnson, K. P., Shapiro, M. D., Clayton, D. H.2019Host defense triggers rapid adaptive radiation in experimentally evolving parasites
S. M. Villa, Altuna, J. C., Ruff, J. S., Beach, A. B., Mulvey, L. I., Poole, E. J., Campbell, H. E., Johnson, K. P., Shapiro, M. D., Bush, S. E., Clayton, D. H.2019Rapid experimental evolution of reproductive isolation from a single natural population
S. M. Villa, Campbell, H. E., Bush, S. E., Clayton, D. H.2016Does antiparasite behavior improve with experience? An experimental test of the priming hypothesis
S. M. Villa, Evans, M. D., Subhani, Y. K., Altuna, J. C., Bush, S. E., Clayton, D. H.2018Body size and fecundity are correlated in feather lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera): implications for Harrison's rule
S. M. Villa, Goodman, G. B., Ruff, J. S., Clayton, D. H.2016Does allopreening control avian ectoparasites?
S. M. Villa, Koop, J. A. H., Le Bohec, C., Clayton, D. H.2018Beak of the pinch: anti-parasite traits are similar among Darwin’s finch species
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith