
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. Haitlinger2011Arthropods (Acari, Anoplura, Siphonaptera) of small mammals from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province
R. Haitlinger2009Arthropods (Acari, Anoplura, Siphonaptera) of small mammals of the Lubuskie Province
R. Haitlinger1987Arthropods (Siphonaptera, Anoplura, Acari) occurring in Poland on Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780) (Mammalia, Insectivora)
R. Haitlinger1987Arthropods (Siphonaptera, Anoplura, Acari) occurring in Poland on Spermophilus suslicus (Gueldenstaedt, 1770) (Mammalia, Rodentia)
R. Haitlinger1981Structure of arthropod community occurring on Microtus arvalis in various habitats: 1. Faunistic differentiation, dominance structure, arthropod infestation intensiveness in relation to habitats and host population dynamics
R. Haitlinger1980Arthropods occurring on Mustela nivalis L., 1766 and Mustela putorius L., 1758 in Poland
R. Haitlinger1980Arthropods (Siphonaptera, Anoplura, Coleoptera, Acarina) collected from small mammals in Rumania
R. Haitlinger1977Schizophthirus pleurophaeus (Burmeister 1839). A new species of louse in Polish fauna
R. Haitlinger1977Contribution to the knowledge of Siphonaptera and Anoplura fauna of small mammals in Bulgaria
R. Haitlinger1977Parasitological investigations of small mammals of Gory Sowie (Middle Sudetes). VI. Siphonaptera, Anoplura, Acarina
R. Haitlinger1976Parasitological investigations of small mammals of Góry Sowie(Middle Sudetes). III: Anoplura (Insecta) l
R. Haitlinger1974Lice (Anoplura) in small mammals in the Pieniny Mountains
R. Haitlinger1973To the knowledge of Siphonaptera and Anoplura fauna of the small mammals in Hungary
R. Haitlinger1973Polyplax spinigera (Burmeister, 1839) (Anoplura, Insecta) a new species of louse in the fauna of Poland)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith