
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. Bamber1952Scabies and lice
H. C. Barnett, Knoblock E. C.1952Chemical and biologic studies on DDT resistance of lice
R. W. Bunn1953Effectiveness of DDT in the control of body lice in Germany
J. R. Busvine1953Forms of insecticide resistance in houseflies and body lice
P. Alfred Buxton1945The use of the new insecticide DDT in relation to the problems of tropical medicine
G. W. Eddy1952Effectiveness of certain insecticides against DDT resistant body lice in Korea
G. W. Eddy, Cole, M. M., Couch, M. D., Selhime, A.1955Resistance of human body lice to insecticides
H. S. Hurlbut, Altman, R. M., Nibley, Jr., C.1952DDT resistance in Korean body lice
H. S. Hurlbut, Peffly, R. L., Salah, A. A.1954DDT resistance in Egyptian body lice
M. Kitaoka1952DDT-resistant lice in Tokyo
T. J. Lepes1960Susceptibility of body lice to DDT in a heavily treated area of Yugoslavia
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Hemingway, J., Miller, J., Ioffe-Uspensky, I., Klaus, S., Ben-Ishai, F., Galun, R.1995Permethrin resistance in the head louse Pediculus capitis from Israel
H. Nagaj1962Attempted development of a strain of lice resistant to DDT soap. (Preliminary communication)
J. Sautet, Nicoli, R. M., Tabau, R.1954Resistance and pseudo-resistance of local strains of Pediculus humanus humanus Lin. (Anoplura) in the south of France to chlorinated insecticides.
K. E. Teglbjaerg1952Lice eradication and other noxious insect control during war.
F. W. Whittemore, Jr.1956Susceptibility of Western European body lice to pyrethrum and DDT
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith