
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
N. G. Gratz1973The current status of louse infestations throughout the world
N. G. Gratz1973The current status of louse infestations throughout the world
N. G. Gratz1973Louse powders: Problems in field programs
N. G. Gratz, Tarizzo, M. L., Traub, R., Eldridge, B. F.1973Panel leaders' reports: Summaries of session I
Gratz, N. G., Gaon, J. A., Busvine, J. R., Wegner, Z., Fox, C., Gear, J. H., Smith, C. N., Gerberg, E. J., Fabrikant, I. B., Makara, G., Traub, R., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Tarasevich, I. V.1973Open discussion
Smith, C. N., Busvine, J. R., Jenkins, D. W., Krynski, S., Cole, M. M., Kostrzewski, J., Gaon, J. A., Tarizzo, M. L., Reeves, W. C., Gratz, N. G., Kim, K. Chung1973Biology and control of lice: D. Experimental louse control methods. Open discussion
Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Busvine, J. R., Murray, E. S., Kostrzewski, J., Smith, C. N., Fabrikant, I. B., Reeves, W. C., Gratz, N. G., Fox, J. P., Ormsbee, R. A., Tarizzo, M. L., Makara, G., Gaon, J. A., Gear, J. H., Traub, R., J. Vinson, W., Perry, A. S., Eldridge, B. F.1973Open discussion
C. N. Smith, Fox, J. P., J. Vinson, W., Schoof, H. F., Robbins, W. E., Perry, A. S., Busvine, J. R., Gratz, N. G.1973Open discussion: Experimental louse control methods
R. Traub, Gaon, J. A., Gratz, N. G., Busvine, J. R., Reeves, W. C.1973Open discussion: Ecology of Louse-borne infections
R. Traub, Gratz, N. G., Busvine, J. R., Gaon, J. A., Tarizzo, M. L., Reeves, W. C., May, J. M., Makara, G., Babione, R. W., Fox, J. P., Wisseman, Jr., C. L.1973Panel leaders' reports: Summaries of session I: Open discussion
D. E. Weidhaas, Cole, M. M., Busvine, J. R., Steinberg, M., Traub, R., Smith, C. N., Gratz, N. G., Makara, G.1973Open discussion: Biology and control of lice
D. E. Weidhaas, Cole, M. M., Gratz, N. G., Makara, G., Traub, R., Smith, C. N.1973Open discussion
C. L. Wisseman, Jr., Murray, E. S., Tarizzo, M. L., Gratz, N. G.1973Open discussion: Concepts of typhus control
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith