
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
C. Gerwel1954Materialy do fauny wszy (Anoplura) Polski
K. Kaneko1964Notes on the sucking lice (Anoplura) collected from Amami-Oshima and the Ryukyu Islands
O. V. Kozulina1957On the morphology and the biology of Pediculus humanus corporis de Geer (Anoplura, Pediculidae)
H. - J. Kuhn, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1970Pedicinus miopitheci n.sp. (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae), eine Laus der Zwergmeerkatze Cercopithecus (Miopithecus) talapoin.
H. - J. Kuhn, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1964Pedicinus badii n.sp., eine Laus des Stummelaffen Procolobus badius badius (Holopleuridae, Anoplura)
H. - J. Kuhn, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1964Pedicinus polykombi n.sp. und Pedicinus fastigatus n.sp., zwei weitere Läuse liberianischer Colobinae (Holopleuridae, Anoplura)
H. - J. Kuhn, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1963Pedicinus veri n. sp., eine Laus des Stummelaffen Procolobus verus (Hoplopleuridae, Anoplura)
J. MacLeod, Craufurd-Benson H. J.1941Casual beds as a source of louse infestation
J. MacLeod, Craufurd-Benson H. J.1941Observations on natural populations of the body louse, Pediculus humanus corporis De Geer
A. G. Marshall1976Host-specificity amongst arthopods ectoparasites upon mammals and birds in the New Hebrides
G. H. F. Nuttall1920On Fahrenholz´s purported new species subspecies and varieties of Pediculus
G. H. F. Nuttall1919The biology of Pediculus humanus. Supplementary notes.
G. H. F. Nuttall1918The biology of Phthirus pubis
E. O'Mahony1944A note on some Irish Anoplura Siphunculata
D. W. Tuff1977A key to the lice of man and domestic animals
H. Weidner1953Gibt es eine Gibbonlaus?
V. B. Wigglesworth1941The sensory physiology of the human louse Pediculus humanus corporis De Geer (Anoplura)
V. B. Wigglesworth1929Phthiriasis in Primates: a sidelight on phylogeny
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith