
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
A. Abera, Gebrewahd T. Tkue2019Prevalence and risk factors of ectoparasites in small ruminants in and around Haramaya University, eastern Oromia Region, Ethiopia
J. Ehlers, Poppert, S., Ratovonamana, R. Y., Ganzhorn, J. U., Tappe, D., Krüger, A.2019Ectoparasites of endemic and domestic animals in southwest Madagascar
V. Forbes, Huchet, J. - B., McManus-Fry, E., Gómez_Coutouly, Y. A., Masson-MacLean, J., Masson-MacLean, É., Ledger, P. M., Britton, K., Hillerdal, C., Knecht, R.2019Activity Areas or Conflict Episode? Interpreting the Spatial Patterning of Lice and Fleas at the Precontact Yup’ik Site of Nunalleq (Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries AD, Alaska)
P. Junquera, Hosking, B., Gameiro, M., Macdonald, A.2019Benzoylphenyl ureas as veterinary antiparasitics. An overview and outlook with emphasis on efficacy, usage and resistance
B. Kumsa, Abiy, Y., Abunna, F.2019Ectoparasites infesting dogs and cats in Bishoftu, central Oromia, Ethiopia
B. Mustafa2019Detection on ectoparasites on small ruminants and their impact on the tanning industry in Sulaimani province
B. Ramadevi, Battu G.2019A holistic approach for formulation and evaluation of poly herbal shampoos
D. Tahir, Davoust, B., Parola, P.2019Vector-borne nematode diseases in pets and humans in the Mediterranean Basin: An update
O. L. Tishyn, Khomiak, R. V., Perih, Z. M.2019Порівняльна оцінка препаратів на основі фіпронілу за інвазії собак і котів ектопаразитами
F. Zhang, Ding, Y., Zhu, C. ‐D., Zhou, X., Orr, M. C., Scheu, S., Luan, Y. ‐X.2019Phylogenomics from low‐coverage whole‐genome sequencing
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith