
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Anonymous1999National guideline for the management of Phthirus pubis infestation
P. Davies2000Carbaril for head lice
C. S. Dodd2001Interventions for treating headlice
S. Doss, Powell, C. A., Miller, A. J.1991Phenothrin lotion, the latest recruit in the battle against headlice: the results of two controlled comparative studies
A. M. R. Downs, Stafford, K. A., Hunt, L. P., Ravenscroft, J. C., Coles, G. C.2002Widespread insecticide resistance in head lice to the over-the-counter pediculocides in England, and the emergence of carbaryl resistance
D. M. Elston1999What's eating you? Pediculus humanus (head louse and body louse)
J. W. Maunder1981Clinical and laboratory trial employing carbaryl against the human head-louse, Pediculus humanus capitis (DeGeer)
J. W. Maunder1981Novel phenomena arising from the use of acetylcholinesterase inhibiting insecticides against human head lice
M. Inés Picollo, Vassena, C. V., Casadio, A. A., Massimo, J., Zerba, E. Nicolás1998Laboratory studies of susceptibility and resistance to insecticides in Pediculus capitis (Anoplura; Pediculidae)
M. Inés Picollo, Vassena, C. V., Mougabure-Cueto, G. A., Vernetti, M., Zerba, E. Nicolás2000Resistance to insecticides and effect of synergists on permethrin toxicity in Pediculus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae) from Buenos Aires
C. Sexton, Miller A. J.1991A comparison of a single occasion treatment of head louse infestation with phenothrin liquid shampoo or a carbaryl lotion
B. Sinniah, Sinniah D.1983Comparative study of DDT, carbaryl (Sevin) and Actellic (pirimiphos-methyl) in the treatment of Pediculus humanus capitis infestation
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith