
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. O. Andersson, Andersson S. G.2000A century of typhus, lice and Rickettsia
C. A. Bee, Close R. L.1993Mitochondrial DNA analysis of introgression between adjacent taxa of rock-wallabies, Petrogale species (Marsupialia: Macropodidae)
B. L. Cohen, Baker, A. J., Bleschschmidt, K., Dittmann, D. L., Furness, R. W., Gerwin, J. A., Helbig, A. J., DeKorte, J., Marshall, H. D., Palma, R. L., Peter, H. U., Ramli, R., Siebold, I., Willcox, M. S., Wilson, R. H., Zink, R. M.1997Enigmatic phylogeny of skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae)
B. L. Cohen, Baker, A. J., Bleschschmidt, K., Dittmann, D. L., Furness, R. W., Gerwin, J. A., Helbig, A. J., DeKorte, J., Marshall, H. D., Palma, R. L., Peter, H. U., Ramli, R., Siebold, I., Willcox, M. S., Wilson, R. H., Zink, R. M.1997Enigmatic phylogeny of skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae) - Erratum
A. H. Kollien, Waniek, P. J., Pröls, F., Habedank, B., Schaub, G. A.2004Cloning and characterization of a trypsin-encoding cDNA of the human body louse Pediculus humanus
N. P. Leo, Barker S. C.2002Intragenomic variation in ITS2 rDNA in the louse of humans, Pediculus humanus: ITS2 is not a suitable marker for population studies in this species
M. L. Linn, Gardner, J., Warrilow, D., Darnell, G. A., McMahon, C. R., Field, I., Hyatt, A. D., Slade, R. W., Suhrbier, A.2001Arbovirus of marine mammals: a new alphavirus isolated from the elephant seal louse, Lepidophthirus macrorhini
R. D. M. Page1996Temporal congruence revisited: comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence in cospeciating pocket gophers and their chewing lice
D. Raoult, Ndihokubwayo, J. B., Tissot-Dupont, H., Roux, V., Faugere, B., Abegbinni, R., Birtles, R. J.1998Outbreak of epidemic typhus associated with trench fever in Burundi
D. Raoult, Roux, V., Ndihokubwayo, J. B., Bise, G., Baudon, D., Martet, G., Birtles, R.1997Jail fever (epidemic typhus) outbreak in Burundi
O. Sychra, Halajian, A., Luus-Powell, W., Engelbrecht, D., Symes, C., Papoušek, I.2014Amblyceran Chewing Lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera) from Wild Passerines (Passeriformes) in South Africa, with a Note to Their Phylogenetic Relationships and with the Description of a New Species in the Genus Myrsidea
T. Tomita, Yaguchi, N., Mihara, M., Takahashi, M., Agui, N., Kasai, S.2003Molecular analysis of a para sodium channel gene from pyrethroid-resistant head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
W. C. Wheeler, Whiting, M. F., Wheeler, Q. D., Carpenter, J. M.2001The phylogeny of the extant hexapod orders
M. F. Whiting, Carpenter, J. C., Wheeler, Q. D., Wheeler, W. C.1997The Strepsiptera problem: phylogeny of the holometabolous insect orders inferred from 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA sequences and morphology
K. Yoshizawa, Saigusa T.2001Phylogenetic analysis of paraneopteran orders (Insecta: Neoptera) based on forewing base structure, with comments on monophyly of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith