
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
I. Babic1934Paraziticka acarina i insecta ustanovljena kod domacih zivotinja u Jugosaviji (Parasitisvche Acarina und Insecta festgestellt bei Haustiere in Jugoslawien
G. Bouvier1945Notes de parasitologie
G. Bouvier1945De l'hémophagie de quelques mallophages des animaux domestiques
G. Bouvier1945Note sur quelques oeufs d'ectoparasites se rencontrant sur les animaux domestiques (Anoplura et Mallophaga)
L. Britz1955Über blutsaugende Läuse (Anoplura), besonders des Hausrindes
R. S. Buchanan, Coles P. G.1971Control of lice on cattle with Dursban
A. M. Dubitskii1962Contribution to the morphology of cattle lice. Parasites of farm animals of Kazakhstan.
P. T. Hiepe1982Large scale management systems and parasite populations: Ectoparasites
H. Wolfgang Ludwig1982Host Specifity in Anoplura and Coevolution of Anoplura and Mammalia
D. Mikacic1941Parasitika fauna naseg goveda
H. Oormazdi, Baker K. P.1977The effects of warble fly dressing using an organophosporus compound on bovine pediculosis
F. Xavier Pajot, Germain M.1971Transport de Linognathus breviceps (Piaget) (Anoplura, Linognathidae) par des Eretmapodites du groupe chrysogaster (Diptera, Culicidae)
F. Piotrowski1974Research on the biting and sucking lice (Mallophag, Ischnocera and Anoplura) of domestic animals in Macedonia
F. Piotrowski1973Rzadziej notowane Phthiraptera z duzych ssakow woj. gdanskiego
R. Ribbeck1972Vorkommen von Ektoparasiten in einer Milchvieh-grossanlage
D. K. Scharff1962An investigation on the cattle louse problem
J. A. Shemanchuk, Haufe, W. O., Thompson, C. O. M.1963Effects of some insecticides on infestation of the short-nosed cattle louse
O. Ströbelt1883Anatomy and physiology of Haematopinus tenuirostris Burmeister
J. Waterston1912Haematopinus vituli, L. (= tenouirostris, Burm.) in N. Mavine, Shetland
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith