
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
J. DeFelice, Rumsfield, J., Bernstein, J. E., Roshal, J. Y.1989Clinical evaluation of an after-pediculicide nit removal system
C. G. Burkhart, Burkhart C. N.2000Clinical evidence of lice resistance to over-the-counter products
R. J. Roberts2002Clinical practice. Head lice
T. Lynn Meinking, Entzel, P., Villar, M. E., Vicaria, M., Lemard, G. A., Porcelain, S. L.2001Comparative efficacy of treatments for pediculosis capitis infestations: update 2000
T. Lynn Meinking, Serrano, L., Hard, B., Entzel, P., Lemard, G., Rivera, E., Villar, M. E.2002Comparative in vitro pediculicidal efficacy of treatments in a resistant head lice population in the United States
N. K. Pitman, Hernandez, A., Hernandez, E.1987Comparison of pediculicidal and ovicidal effects of two pyrethrin-piperonyl-butoxide agents
O. Chosidow, Chastang, C., Brue, C., Bouvet, E., Izri, M., Monteny, N., Bastuji-Garin, S., Rousset, J. J., Revuz, J.1994Controlled study of malathion and d-phenothrin lotions for Pediculus humanus var capitis infested schoolchildren
I. F. Burgess2002Detection combing
R. J. Pollack, Kiszewski, A., Armstrong, P., Hahn, C., Wolfe, N., Rahman, H. Abdul, Laserson, K., Telford,Sam R., 3rd, Spielman, A.1999Differential permethrin susceptibility of head lice sampled in the United States and Borneo
R. C. Hansen, O'Haver J.2004Economic considerations associated with Pediculus humanus capitis infestation
P. A. Becherel, Chosidow O.2002Ectoparasitic skin diseases. Scabies and pediculosis
R. R. Manjrekar, Partridge, S. K., Korman, A. K., Barwick, R. S., Juranek, D. D.2000Efficacy of 1% permethrin for the treatment of head louse infestations among Kosovar refugees
P. C. Fan, Chung, W. C., Kuo, C. L., Lin, C. Y., Hsu, H. M., Chuang, C. H., Chow, C. Y.1992Evaluation of efficacy of four pediculicides against head louse (Pediculus capitis) infestation
L. Plastow, Luthra, M., Powell, R., Wright, J., Russell, D., Marshall, M. N.2001Head lice infestation: bug busting vs. traditional treatment
R. B. Hipolito, Mallorca, F. G., Zuniga-Macaraig, Z. O., Apolinario, P. C., Wheeler-Sherman, J.2001Head lice infestation: single drug versus combination therapy with one percent permethrin and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
R. B. Sause, Galizia V. J.1991Human lice infestations and their treatment
M. Inés Picollo, Vassena, C. V., Casadio, A. A., Massimo, J., Zerba, E. Nicolás1998Laboratory studies of susceptibility and resistance to insecticides in Pediculus capitis (Anoplura; Pediculidae)
R. J. Pollack, Kiszewski, A. E., Spielman, A.2000Over diagnosis and consequent mismanagement of head louse infestations in North America
S. Doss, Powell, C. A., Miller, A. J.1991Phenothrin lotion, the latest recruit in the battle against headlice: the results of two controlled comparative studies
M. Tanyuksel, Araz, R. E., Albay, A., Aycicek, H.2003Prevalence and treatment of Pediculus humanus capitis with 1% permethrin and 0.4% d-phenothrin in Turkey
D. S. Carson, Tribble, P. W., Weart, C. W.1988Pyrethrins combined with piperonyl butoxide (RID) vs 1% permethrin (NIX) in the treatment of head lice
S. A. Raslavtseva2000Resistance of synanthropic insects to insecticides
M. Inés Picollo, Vassena, C. V., Mougabure-Cueto, G. A., Vernetti, M., Zerba, E. Nicolás2000Resistance to insecticides and effect of synergists on permethrin toxicity in Pediculus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae) from Buenos Aires
R. G. Mathias, Wallace J. F.1990The hatching of nits as a predictor of treatment failure with lindane and pyrethrin shampoos
I. F. Burgess, Brown, C. M., Lee, P. N.2005Treatment of head louse infestation with 4% dimeticone lotion: randomised controlled equivalence trial
T. A. Bell1998Treatment of Pediculus humanus var. capitis infestation in Cowlitz County, Washington, with ivermectin and the LiceMeister(R) comb
D. M. Elston1999What's eating you? Pediculus humanus (head louse and body louse)
A. M. R. Downs, Stafford, K. A., Hunt, L. P., Ravenscroft, J. C., Coles, G. C.2002Widespread insecticide resistance in head lice to the over-the-counter pediculocides in England, and the emergence of carbaryl resistance
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith