
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
T. Dru Alliso Cockerell1902The porcupine louse (Trichodectes setosus Gbl.)
J. Waterston1911Nirmus uncinosus N. in Shetland
J. Waterston1912Two ectoparasites (Mallophaga) from the snipe (Gallinago caelestis, Frenzel); from Northmavine, Shetland
J. Waterston1912Haematopinus (Haemodipsus Enderlein) ventricosus Denny, in N. Mavine, Shetland, with note on an easy method of its detection
J. Waterston1912Haematopinus vituli, L. (= tenouirostris, Burm.) in N. Mavine, Shetland
J. Waterston1913What is the true host of Nirmus interruptus Piaget?
J. Waterston1913Docophorus megacephalus Denny in Shetland
J. Waterston1915On two new species of Mallophaga (Menoponidae): Menacanthus balfouri n. sp. and Myrsidea victrix n. sp. from Colombia
J. Waterston1917On a new species of Docophoroides Giglioli (Eurymetopus Tasch.) from an albatross (Diomedea melanophrys)
G. A. H. Bedford1920Descriptions of a new genus and species of louse from an elephant-shrew
J. Waterston1922A new genus of Ischnocera (Mallophaga)
J. Waterston1922Observations on the life history of a liotheid (Mallophaga parasitic on the curlew (Numenius arquata Linn.)
J. Waterston1926On the occurrence of Lagopoecus affinis Children in eastern Siberia
G. B. Thompson1934The parasites of british birds and mammals. I. Notes and records.
G. B. Thompson1934Association of Siphonaptera with Mallophaga
G. B. Thompson1935I. Two further records of the association of Hippoboscidae and Mallophaga. II An anthocorid bug feeding on Dermanyssus gallinae (Redi)
G. B. Thompson1935The parasites of british birds and mammals. IV [actual V]. Records of mammal parasites
G. B. Thompson1936The parasites of british birds and mammals. [V] IV. Records on mammal parasites
G. B. Thompson1936Mallophaga on a bird's egg
G. B. Thompson1936The parasites of british birds and mammals. IX. A bibliography of papers containing records of Mallophaga (biting lice) from birds and mammals
G. B. Thompson1936The parasites of british birds and mammals. X. Records of Mallophaga from birds
G. B. Thompson1936A checklist of the Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae parasitic on british birds and mammals
G. B. Thompson1937The parasites of British birds and mammals. XIV. Records of Mallophaga from birds
G. B. Thompson1937The parasites of British birds and mammals. XI. Records of Ornithomyia spp. (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) from british birds
G. B. Thompson1938The parasites of British birds and mammals. XX. The ectoparasites of the house-martin, swift, swallow and sand-martin
G. B. Thompson1938The parasites of British birds and mammals. XXI. Additions and corrections to previous contributions
G. B. Thompson1938The Mallophaga (biting-lice) recorded from the Pacific Islands
G. B. Thompson1938The Siphunculata or sucking-lice recorded from the Pacific Islands
E. O'Mahony1944A note on some British and foreign Anoplura
E. O'Mahony1944A note on some Irish Anoplura Siphunculata
E. O'Mahony1946Trichodectes vulpis Denny (Mallophaga) in Ireland
E. O'Mahony1946Records of Anoplura
E. O'Mahony1946Records of Trichodectidae (Mallophaga)
G. B. Thompson1947Association of Hippoboscidae and Mallophaga; further notes and records
E. O'Mahony1948Schizophthirus pleurophaeus (Burm.) (Anop., Haematopinidae), a louse new to the British list
J. S. Ash1952Records of Hippoboscidae (Dipt.) from Berkshire and Co. Durham in 1950, with notes on their bionomics
E. T. M. Reid1954A further record of Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget (Rhincophthirina[sic]) from a wild african elephant
A. H. Paterson1954A new record of the quill-boring habit in Mallophaga
J. S. Ash1955Some records of bird and mammal ectoparasites
G. B. Corbet1956The phoresy of Mallophaga in a population of Ornithomyia fringillina Curtis (Dipt., Hippoboscidae)
G. B. Thompson1957The parasites of british birds and mammals. XXX. Mallophaga on bird's eggs
G. B. Thompson1957The parasites of british birds and mammals. XXXIII. The insect ectoparasites of the house sparrow (Passer d. domesticus)
J. S. Ash, Monk J. F.1959A collection of Ornithomyia spp. (Dipt., Hippoboscidae) from Oxfordshire
A. R. Mead-Briggs, Page R. J. C.1967Ectoparasites from hares collected throughout the United Kingdom, January- March, 1964
K. P. Hajela1970A new species of Neophilopterus Cummings, 1916 (Mallophaga, Ischnocera) from Ceylon
G. B. Thompson1975The parasites of British birds and mammals. XLVI The first records of Solenopotes burmeisteri (Anoplura)
J. D. Lang1975Transmission of head lice by insects
R. S. George1981Obituary: Gordon Burnett Thompson, 1911-1979
M. A. Girling1984Eighteenth century records of human lice (Phthiraptera, Anoplura) and fleas (Siphonaptera, Pulicidae) in the city of London
C. H. C. Lyal1987Structure and function of the male genitalia of the badger louse, Trichodectes melis (Fabricius) (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Trichodectidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith