
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
R. J. Roberts, Burgess I. F.2005New head-lice treatments: hope or hype?
C. M. Priestley, Burgess, I. F., Williamson, E. M.2006Lethality of essential oil constituents towards the human louse, Pediculus humanus, and its eggs
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Barker, S. C., Burgess, I. F., Combescot-Lang, C., Dalgleish, R. C., Larsen, K. S., Miller, J., Roberts, R. J., Taylan-Ozkan, A.2007International guidelines for effective control of head louse infestations
I. F. Burgess, Maunder, J. W., Myint, T. Than1983Maintenance of the crab louse, Pthirus pubis, in the laboratory and behavioural studies using volunteers
I. F. Burgess, Brunton, E. R., Burgess, N. A., Burgess, M. N.2017Neem-silicone lotion and ultrasound nit comb: a randomised, controlled clinical trial treating head louse infestation
I. F. Burgess, Brown, C. M., Peock, S., Kaufman, J.1995Head lice resistant to pyrethroid insecticides in Britain
I. F. Burgess, Brown, C. M., Lee, P. N.2005Treatment of head louse infestation with 4% dimeticone lotion: randomised controlled equivalence trial
I. F. Burgess, Brown C. M.1999Management of insecticide resistance in head lice Pediculus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculicidae)
I. F. Burgess1993New head louse repellent
I. F. Burgess1993The function of a repellent in head louse control
I. F. Burgess1995Clinical efficacy of treatment for head lice - authors differ on assessment of flaws in trials
I. F. Burgess1995Pediculus capitis in schoolchildren
I. F. Burgess1996Shampoo for head lice treatment - comparative in vitro tests
I. F. Burgess1998Head lice-developing a practical approach
I. F. Burgess1999Head lice - Good clinical practice protocol for primary care practitioners
I. F. Burgess2001Head lice
I. F. Burgess2002Head lice
I. F. Burgess2002Detection combing
I. F. Burgess2002The life of a head louse
I. F. Burgess2003Head lice
I. F. Burgess2003Commentary: How to advise a patient when over the counter products have failed
I. F. Burgess2004Human lice and their control
I. F. Burgess2004Head lice
I. F. Burgess2022Sucking lice and spiracular transpiration: turning a liability into a benefit and a necessity
I. F. Burgess2022Physically Acting Treatments for Head Lice—Can We Still Claim They Are ‘Resistance Proof’?
E. R. Brunton, Whelan, I. P., French, R., Burgess, M. N., Burgess, I. F.2019Head louse egg and nit remover—a modern “Quest for the Holy Grail”
E. R. Brunton, Burgess, M. N., Whelan, I. P., Burgess, I. F.2020A Cosmetically Acceptable Dye Product to Improve Detection of Head Louse Eggs and Nits
C. M. Brown, Burgess I. F.2017Can neem oil help eliminate lice? Randomised controlled trial with and without louse combing
S. C. Barker, Burgess, I. F., Meinking, T. A., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.2012International guidelines for clinical trials with pediculicides
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith