
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
G. B. Thompson1937The Piaget collection of Mallophaga. Part II
G. B. Thompson1938The Piaget collection of Mallophaga. Part IV
G. B. Thompson1938The Piaget collection of Mallophaga. Part III
G. B. Thompson1938The Piaget collection of Mallophaga. Part V
G. H. E. Hopkins1938Stray notes on Mallophaga
G. B. Thompson1938A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1938On two species of Mallophaga from Phaëton rubricauda roseotincta (Matthews)
G. B. Thompson1938The lice of Petrels - Part I. The elongate forms
G. B. Thompson1938A brief survey of the species of Mallophaga described from (3) Procellariiformes and (4) Pelecaniformes
G. B. Thompson1938The Mallophaga parasitic on the Musophagidae (Plantain-eaters) - 1
G. B. Thompson1938A new species of Solenopotes (Anoplura, Siphunculata)
G. B. Thompson1939The Piaget collection of Mallophaga. Part VI
G. B. Thompson1939The Piaget collection of Mallophaga. Part VII
G. B. Thompson1939The Piaget collection of Mallophaga. Part VIII
G. B. Thompson1939Further records of the occurance of Myialges and Microlichus (Acarina) on Mallophaga and Hippoboscidae
T. Clay, Meinertzhagen R.1939Three new genera of Mallophaga from the Charadriiformes
G. B. Thompson1939A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1939The lice of Petrels - Part II. The elongate forms
G. B. Thompson1939Ectoparasites of Australian birds and mammals. II. Notes on the Mallophaga parasitic on australian marsupials
G. B. Thompson1939Ectoparasites of Australian birds and mammals. I. Two new species of Mallophaga from an Australian bird
G. B. Thompson1940A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1940Notes of the Mallophaga from aquatic birds - I. Mallophaga from the divers (Gaviiformes)
T. Clay1940Mallophagan Miscellany - Part 1
G. H. E. Hopkins1940Stray notes on Mallophaga - II
G. B. Thompson1940A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1940A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1940The lice of Petrels - Part III. The genus Pelmatocerandra
G. B. Thompson1940Notes on species of the genus Pectinopygus (s. l.) (Mallophaga). II
G. B. Thompson1940Notes on species of the genus Pectinopygus (s. l.) (Mallophaga). I
G. B. Thompson1940The parasites of Australian birds and Mammals III. Mallophaga from sea-birds
G. H. E. Hopkins1941Stray notes on Mallophaga. 15. Notes on the types of the Mallophaga described by Bedford
G. H. E. Hopkins1941Stray notes on Mallophaga - III
G. B. Thompson1941Descriptions and records of Mallophaga from the Pacific Islands
T. Clay, Meinertzhagen R.1941Mallophaga miscellany - No. 2
G. H. E. Hopkins1942Stray notes on Mallophaga - V
G. H. E. Hopkins1944Stray notes on Mallophaga - VI
G. B. Thompson1946Notes on species of the genus Pectinopygus (s.l.) (Mallophaga). III
G. H. E. Hopkins1946Stray notes on Mallophaga - VII
T. Clay1947Mallophaga miscellany - No. 4
G. B. Thompson1947Notes on species of the genus Pectinopygus (s. l.) (Mallophaga). IV
G. B. Thompson1947The lice of Petrels - Part IV. The genus Episbates
G. B. Thompson1947A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1947The lice of petrels. Part IV. The genus Episbates
G. B. Thompson1947A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1948Notes on species of the genus Pectinopygus (s.l.) (Mallophaga). V
G. B. Thompson1948Notes on species of the genus Pectinopygus (s.l.) (Mallophaga). IV
T. Clay1948Mallophaga miscellany. 4. I. Notes on the Goniodidae; II. The type-host of Oxylipeurus appendiculatus (Piaget); III The Denny and Piaget collections in the British Museum; IV Host names in the Pelecaniformes
G. H. E. Hopkins1948Stray notes on Mallophaga. - VIII
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith