
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
J. R. Busvine0Measurements of head lice and body lice from individuals with double infestations
C. Linnaeus1758Pediculi
W. Elford Leach1815Entomology
I. F. M. Olfers1816De vegetativis et animatis corporibus in corporibus animatis reperiundis commentarius. Dissertatio, part I
F. Louis Paul Gervais1844Dicères épizioques
Goureau,1866Les insectes nuisibles a l`homme, aux animaux et a l`economic domestiques
O. Grimm1870Zur Embryologie von Phthirus pubis
R. Kohaut1897Hemiptera- Aptera.
M. Oppenheim1901Über einen von Pediculus pubis gebildeten Farbstoff
M. Oppenheim1901Über einen von Pediculus pubis gebildeten Farbstoff
E. Cziki1904Die Läuse. A tetvek
C. Huet1910Une campagne contre la Phthiriase dans les écoles publiques du Hávre
E. Mjöberg1910Studien über Mallophagen und Anopluren
T. H. Johnston, Harrison L. J. S.1913A note on Australien Pediculids
G. H. F. Nuttall1918The biology of Phthirus pubis
G. H. F. Nuttall1918The pathological effects of Phthirus pubis
G. H. F. Nuttall1919The systematic position, synonymy and iconography of Pediculus humanus and Phthirus pubis
F. Payot1920Contribution à l'étude du Phthirus pubis (Linné, Leach)
E. Dudich1923Adatok hazánk Anoplura-faunájához
W. Pick1926Über den Geruchsinn der Läuse
E. Escomel, Velando C. L. A.1935Un nuevo pthyrius parásito de las pestanas del hombre
M. Kubo1938The sexual organs of Phthirus pubis Leach, 1815 with special reference to the copulatory apparatus
P. Alfred Buxton1941On the occurance of the crab-louse (Phthirus pubis; Anoplura) in the hair of the head
H. Fahrenholz1941Eine neue Laus des Schimpansen
L. Goldman, Friedman L. S.1941Infection of the scalp and cilia with Phthirus pubis in a nineteen month old baby
E. O'Mahony1944A note on some Irish Anoplura Siphunculata
B. Heilesen, Lindgren I.1946Phthirus pubis in capillitum, cilia et supercilia
C. Conci1946Fauna di Romagna (collezione Zangheri) Anopluri e Siffonatteri
C. Conci1946Prima nota sugli Anopluri italiani
P. Alfred Buxton1947The Louse. An account of the lice which infest man, their medical importance and control
L. Goldman1948Phthirus pubis infestation of the scalp and cilia in young children
P. Brinck1948Anoplura: chapter IX.
P. Brinck1950Anoplura.
F. Weyer1952Die experimentelle Infektion der Filzlaus Phthirus pubis mit Rickettsia prowazeki und R. quintana
F. Weyer1952Die experimentale infektion der filzlaus Phthirus pubis mit Rickettsia prowazeki und R. quintana
K. Touleshkov1954B´skite (Anoplura)- Ektoparaziti po domasnite zivotni i coveka. (Les poux (Anoplura) ectoparasitessur les animeaux domestiques et l´homme)
W. Eichler1956Die Filzlaus
M. A. R. Ansari1958Alphabetical list of the hosts of Phthiraptera from the collection of the Institute of Parasitology of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris.
J. Rageau1958Survey of the arthropods of medical and veterinary interest in the Fench territories of the South Pacific
G. Floyd Ferris1959Insects of Micronesia Anoplura
B. Rosicky1959Raad VSI-Anoplura
F. Piotrowski1961The nymphs of crab-louse Phthirus pubis L. (Anoplura)
B. I. Tarshis, Blinstrub R.1963Preliminary studies on the use of sorptive dusts for the control of the human lice, Phthirus pubis (L.) and Pediculus humanus capitis DeGeer
K. Kaneko1964Notes on the sucking lice (Anoplura) collected from Amami-Oshima and the Ryukyu Islands
L. Moses1965Phthiriasis palpebrarum (Phthirus pubis infestation of eyelids, child.)
H. Reyes, Parodi, V., Ebensperger, I.1965Pthirus pubis in children. Report of a family outbreak
Z. Wegner1966Wszy -Anoplura.
G. J. Spencer1966Anoplura from British Columbia and some adjacent areas
A. Ackermann1968Crabs - The resurgence of Phthirus pubis.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith