
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
L. Britz1955Über blutsaugende Läuse (Anoplura), besonders des Hausrindes
E. Brütt1955Zur Biologie der Wildschweinlaus
L. L. Ellis, Jr.1955A survey of the ectoparasites of certain mammals in Oklahoma
G. L. van Eyndhoven1955Pediculus schaeffi on chimpanzee in the Netherlands (Anopl.)
M. D. Murray1955Infestation of sheep with the face louse (Linognathus ovillus)
Z. Ono, Hasegawa M.1955Notes on the blood-sucking lice (Anoplura) of rodents in Hokkaido.I
Z. Ono, Hasegawa M.1955Notes on Anoplura from Hokkaido. II. Description of Hoplopleura inagakii sp. nov. (Hoplopleurinae, Anoplura) from Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae
Z. Ono1955Notes on the blood-sucking lice from Hokkaido, Nr.3. Rediscription of Hoplopleura akanezumi SASA, 1950
R. Piechocki1955Zur Kenntnis von Neohaematopinus palaearctus OLS. (Insect. Anopl.)
O. Puchta1955Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Symbiose der Kleiderlaus Pediculus vestimenti Burmeister
P. E. Vanzolini, Guimarães L. R.1955Lice and the history of South American land Mammals
P. E. Vanzolini, Guimarães L. R.1955South American land mammals and their lice
M. D. Murray1955Oviposition in lice with reference to Damalinia ovis
G. B. Thompson1955Contributions toward a study of the ectoparasites of British birds and mammals. No. 4
G. B. Thompson1955Contributions toward a study of the ectoparasites of British birds and mammals. No. 5
J. E. Scanlon1955Anoplura from some Korean small mammal hosts
K. Kaneko1955Studies on the murine lice in Japan (Part I). A revision of the 9 species of Japanese murine lice
E. F. Sosnina1955A new species of Anoplura (Siphunculata) on Ellobius talpinus from Tadzhikistan
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith