
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
T. Rufli, Mumcuoglu K. Y.1979Anoplura/sucking lice
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Galun, R., Kaminchik, Y., Panet, A., Levanon, A.1996Antihemostatic activity in salivary glands of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Zias, J. E., Tarshis, M., Lavi, M., Stiebel, G. D.2003Body louse remains found in textiles excavated at Masada, Israel
J. O. Ochanda, Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Ben-Yakir, D., Okuru, J. K., Oduol, V. O., Galun, R.1996Characterization of body louse midgut proteins recognized by resistant hosts
K. Y. Mumcuoglu1991Children draw lice
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Klaus, S., Kafka, D., Teiler, M., Miller, J.1991Clinical observations related to head lice infestation
K. Y. Mumcuoglu1996Control of human lice (Anoplura: Pediculidae) infestations: past and present
K. Y. Mumcuoglu2006Effective treatment of head louse with pediculicides
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Galun R.1987Engorgement response of human body lice Pediculus humanus (Insecta, Anoplura) to blood fractions and their components
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Miller, J., Gofin, R., Adler, B., Ben-Ishai, F., Almog, R., Kafka, D., Klaus, S.1990Epidemiologic studies on head lice infestation in Israel .1. parasitological examination of children
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Ingber A.1999Epidemiology and control of head lice infestations in Israel
N. P. Leo, Campbell, N. J., Yang, X., Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Barker, S. C.2002Evidence from mitochondrial DNA that head lice and body lice of humans (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) are conspecific
S. Magdassi, Bach, U., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.1997Formation of positively charged microcapsules based on chitosan-lecithin interactions
S. Klaus, Shvil, Y., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.1994Generalized infestation of a 3½-year-old girl with the pubic louse
M. A. Rivera, Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Matheny, R. T., Matheny, D. G.2008Head lice eggs, Antropophthirus capitis, from mummies of the Chinchorro tradition, Mamarones 15-D, Northern Chile
K. Y. Mumcuoglu1991Head lice in drawings of kindergarten children
K. Y. Mumcuoglu1988Head lice in Israel (in Hebrew)
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Miller, J., Gofin, R., Adler, B., Ben-Ishai, F., Almog, R., Kafka, D., Klaus, S.1992Head lice in Israeli children: Parent's answers to epidemiological questionnairs
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Zias J. E.1988Head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura, Pediculidae) from hair combs excavated in Israel and Dated from the 1st- century BC to the 8th-century AD
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Meinking, T. A., Burkhart, C. N., Burkhart, C. G.2006Head louse infestations: the “no nit” policy and its consequences
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Zias J. E.1989How the ancients de-loused themselves
K. Y. Mumcuoglu2008Human lice: Pediculus and Pthirus
K. Y. Mumcuoglu2006Human parasites from Qumran and the surrounding regions in Israel
D. Ben-Yakir, Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Manor, O., Ochanda, J. O., Galun, R.1994Immunization of rabbits with a midgut extract of the human body louse Pediculus humanus humanus - the effect of induced resistance on the louse population
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Ben-Yakir, D., Ochanda, J. O., Miller, J., Galun, R.1997Immunization of rabbits with faecal extract of Pediculus humanus, the human body louse: effects on louse development and reproduction
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Ben-Yakir, D., Gunzberg, S., Ochanda, J. O., Galun, R.1996Immunogenic proteins in the body and faecal material of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus, and their homology to antigens of other lice species
M. Weiss, Glazer, I., Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Elking, Y., Galun, R.1993Infectivity of steinernematid and heterorhabditid nematodes for the human body louse Pediculus humanus humanus (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Barker, S. C., Burgess, I. F., Combescot-Lang, C., Dalgleish, R. C., Larsen, K. S., Miller, J., Roberts, R. J., Taylan-Ozkan, A.2007International guidelines for effective control of head louse infestations
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Zias J. E.1990Lice from ancient times
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Rahamim, E., Ben-Yakir, D., Ochanda, J. O., Galun, R.1996Localization of immunogenic antigens on midgut of the human body louse Pediculus humanus humanus (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
D. Ben-Yakir, Mumcuoglu K. Y.1989Louse antigens recognized by resistant hosts: Immunoblotting studies
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Friger, M., Ioffe-Uspensky, I., Ben-Ishai, F., Miller, J.2001Louse comb versus direct visual examination for the diagnosis of head louse infestations
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Gilead, L., Ingber, A.2009New Insights in pediculosis and scabies
J. O. Ochanda, Oduor, E. A. C., Galun, R., Imbuga, M. O., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.1998Partial characterization and post-feeding activity of midgut aminopeptidase in the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus
J. O. Ochanda, Oduor, E. A. C., Galun, R., Imbuga, M. O., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.2000Partial purification of the aminopeptidase from the midgut of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Hemingway, J., Miller, J., Ioffe-Uspensky, I., Klaus, S., Ben-Ishai, F., Galun, R.1995Permethrin resistance in the head louse Pediculus capitis from Israel
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Danilevich, M., Gilead, L.2008Physician’s knowledge in Israel on the biology and control of head lice (in Hebrew).
J. E. Zias, Mumcuoglu K. Y.1991Pre-pottery neolithic B head lice found in Nahal Hemar Cave and dated 6,900-6,300 B.C.E. (uncalibrated)
K. Y. Mumcuoglu1999Prevention and treatment of head lice in children
J. Hemingway, Miller, J., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.1999Pyrethroid resistance mechanisms in the head louse Pediculus capitis from Israel: implications for control
J. Rosenfeld, Manor, O., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.1993Relationship of sociodemographic variables and head lice infestation among elementary school children in Bet Shemesh
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Magdassi, S., Miller, J., Ben-Ishai, F., Zentner, G., Helbin, V., Friger, M., Kahana, F., Ingber, A.2004Repellency of citronella for head lice: double-blind randomized trial of efficacy and safety
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Galun, R., Bach, U., Miller, J., Magdassi, S.1996Repellency of essential oils and their components to the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus
S. Hyeock Lee, Gao, J. - R., Yoon, K. Sup, Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Taplin, D., Edman, J. D., Takano-Lee, M., J. Clark, M.2003Sodium channel mutations associated with knockdown resistance in the human head louse, Pediculus capitis (DeGeer)
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Miller, J., Galun, R.1990Susceptibility of the human head and body louse, Pediculus humanus (Anoplura, Pediculidae) to insecticides
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Miller, J., Rosen, L. J., Galun, R.1990Systemic activity of ivermectin on the human body louse (Anoplura, Pediculidae)
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Galun, R., Ikan, R.1986The aggregation response of human body louse (Pediculus humanus) (Insecta, Anoplura) to Its excretory products
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Miller J.1991The efficacy of pediculicides in Israel
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Miller, J., Zamir, C., Zentner, G., Helbin, V., Ingber, A.2002The in vivo pediculicidal efficacy of a natural remedy
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Cohen, R., Ben-Ishai, F., Zentner, G., Helbin, V., Ingber, A.2006The in vivo pediculicidal efficacy of Prioderm Cream Shampoo formulation


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith