
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
L. V. Gromashevskii1965On the possibility of transmission of tick relapsing fever by lice. I. Introduction
L. A. Favorova, Chernyshova, T. F., Beshcheva, N. I., Mikhailov, A. K.1965On the possibility of transmission of tick relapsing fever by lice. II. The fate of spirochaetae of tick relapsing fever in the organism of body lice in the first day after infective feeding
G. Varela, Bravo-Becherelle, M. A., Velasco, R.1965New method for the destruction of Pediculus humanus. Study on the ingestion of phenylbutazone in humans and rabbits
B. Styczynska1966Differentiation of the sensitivity of Pediculus humanus humanus L. to organic chlorine insecticides with special regard to physiological and environmental conditions. II. Influence of physiological conditions (age, satiety) on the sensitivity of the cause
J. W. Vinson, Williams C. M.1967Lethal effects of synthetic juvenile hormone on the human body louse
S. J. Melo, Rodriguez-Puchol J.1967Phagedenic ulcerous pyodermitis. Its differential diagnosis with the so-called "ryoderma gangrenosum"
B. Duperrat, Monfort J.1968Hunter's dermatoses
C. C. Velasquez1968Phthirus pubis from human eyelashes in the Philippines
D. G. Ombati, Ojiambo H. P.1968Louse-borne relapsing fever
N. Ikeda1968Experimental induction of epidemic hemorrhagic fever using lice and fleas as vectors
Anonymous1968Rickettsial diseases
M. E. Arzube1968Pediculus humanus humanus (Linne 1758) resistance to D. D. T. in various localities of the Ecuadorian Andes
R. S. Higdon1968Common insect, mite and parasite problems in the United States
T. P. Schofield, Talbot, J. M., Bryceson, A. D. M., Parry, E. H.1968Leucopenia and fever in the "Jarisch-Herxheimer" reaction of louse-borne relapsing fever
R. J. Reiss-Gutfreund1968Some speculations concerning extrahuman Rickettsia prowazeki and a few remarks about the epidemiology of Rickettsia mooseri
R. L. Goodman, Arndt, K. A., Steigbigel, N. H.1969Borrelia in Boston
J. W. Vinson, Varela, G., Molina-Pasquel, C.1969Trench fever. III. Induction of clinical disease in volunteers inoculated with Rickettsia quintana propagated on blood agar
G. Varela, Vinson, J. W., Molina-Pasquel, C.1969Trench fever. II. Propagation of Rickettsia quintana on cell-free medium from the blood of two patients
R. E. Abdalla1969Some studies on relapsing fever in the Sudan
M. M. Cole, Hirst, J. M., McWilliams, J. G., Gilbert, I. H.1969Sleeve tests of insecticidal powders for control of body lice
F. W. Kutz1969A problem in the diagnosis of head lice
J. P. Carteaud1969New aspects in electron microscopy by scanning in dermatology. Cutaneous parasitology: Pediculus humanus capitis and Phtirus inguinalis
L. Geyer1970Phthirii in the hair of a small child. Review and case report
E. Narayanan, Manja, K. S., Kirchheimer, W. F., Balasubrahmanyan, M.1972Occurrence of Mycobacterium leprae in arthropods
M. Steinberg, Cole, M. M., Miller, T. A., Godke, R. A.1972Toxicological and entomological field evaluation of Mobam 2,3 and Abate 2,4 powders used as body louse toxicants (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
Z. Kwiatkowska-Kawecka1973Phthiriasis palpeprarum
R. Joseph Donaldson1974Head infestation--a community problem
A. C. Mishra, Bhat, H. R., Kulkarni, S. M.1974A survey of haematophagous arthropods in Western Himalayas, Sikkim and Hill Districts of West Bengal--anoplura
C. L. Wisseman, Jr., Boese, J. L., Waddell, A. D., Silverman, D. J.1975Modification of antityphus antibodies on passage through the gut of the human body louse with discussion of some epidemiologic and evolutionary implications
S. J. Kraus, Glassman L. H.1976The crab louse-review of physiology and study of anatomy as seen by the scanning electron microscope
R. Vitanovic, Nad, D., Salihovic, M.1976Various studies on the pediculicide effect of Tanderil tablets. Preliminary communication
J. K. Bartruff1976Mighty mites and other bug bites
F. A. Kingery1977Sorting out bug bites
M. C. Voicu1977General considerations concerning the order Anoplura in Romania
S. Liotet, Riera, M., Nguyen, H.1977The lashes. Physiology, structure, pathology (author's transl)
P. J. Manent, Serre, L., Maille, M.1978Unusual blepharitis due to swimming pools
I. Dittmann, Eichler W.1978Head louse of man (Pediculus capitis)
G. N. Chin, Denslow G. T.1978Pediculosis ciliaris
J. Gonin1978Lice: an important problem of school medicine
A. Ogunrinade1978Pediculosis of a three-month-old baby
L. Bloomers, van Lennep M.1978Miscellaneous notes on the toxicity of some insecticides for the head louse, Pediculus capitis DeGeer (Anoplura)
L. Bloomers1979Insecticidal tests on immature head lice, Pediculus capitis (Anoplura)--A new technique
J. H. Newsom, Fiore, Jr, J. L., Hackett, E.1979Treatment of infestation with Phthirus pubis: comparative efficacies of synergized pyrethrins and gamma-benzene hexachloride
P. Timon-David, Nourrit, J., Penaud, A., Gasquet, M., Delmas, F.1979Current means of controlling pediculosis outbreaks in the South of France
N. M. Kanof1980Of lice and man
M. A. Ahmed, Wahab, S. M. Abdel, Malik, M. O. Abdel, Gadir, A. M. Abdel, Salih, S. Y., Omer, A., Hassan, A. M. Al1980Louse-borne relapsing fever in the Sudan. A historical review and a clinico-pathological study
S. C. Reddy1980Phthiriasis palpebrarum
Cfor Diseas CDC).1981Occupational dermatitis associated with grain itch mites - Texas
J. W. Maunder1981Clinical and laboratory trial employing carbaryl against the human head-louse, Pediculus humanus capitis (DeGeer)
W. Meinhof1981Pruritus as a leading symptom in parasitoses


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith