
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
H. Lüdtke, Hopp H.1953Über Gewebeschäden bei Pediculus vestimenti N. nach Einwirkung chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe (DDT, HCC, Matacid)
H. Carl Conra Burmeister1847Über die Mundbildung von Pediculus.
G. Schwalbe1915Über die Bedeutung der äußeren Parasiten für die Phylogenie der Säugetiere und des Menschen
O. Puchta1956Züchtungsversuche an den Symbionten von Pediculus vestimenti BURM. nebst physiologischen und morphologischen Beobachtungen
Z. Wegner1966Wszy -Anoplura.
A. Hase1944Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Kleiderlaus, insbesondere über Kotschnurenbildung
F. Weyer1952Versuche zur künstlichen Infektion der Schweinelaus Haematopinus suis L. mit Rickettsia prowazeki und R. quintana
R. Paulian1960Un nouvel Anoploure de Lémurien malgache
J. D. Lang1975Transmission of head lice by insects
R. B. Heisch, Garnham P. C. C.1947The transmission of Spirochaeta duttoni Novy & Knapp by Pediculus humanus corporis de Geer
H. Ellsworth Ewing1933The taxonomy of the anopluran Genus Pediculus Linnaeus
G. H. F. Nuttall1919The systematic position, synonymy and iconography of Pediculus humanus and Phthirus pubis
O. V. Kozulina1949The mechanism of egg-laying in the clothes louse (Pediculus humanus corporis De Geer) and its anomaly
H. Wolfgang Ludwig1974The lice of primates
F. E. Evans, Smith F. E.1952The intrinsic rate of natural increase for the human louse, Pediculus humanus
G. Blanc, Woodward T. E.1945The infection of Pedicinus albidus Rudow, the magot´s louse on typhus carrying monkeys (Macacus sylvanus)
H. Ellsworth Ewing1934The identity and origin of the sucking lice of American monkeys
P. Brinck1948The Fennoscandic louse fauna with special reference to the lice of domestic animals and their control
F. Piotrowski1953The embryological development of the body louse - Pediculus vestimenti Nitzsch-Part 1
O. V. Kozulina1958The effect of feeding on the ovipostion and the methods of increasing the proportion of hatching eggs in the body-lice Pediculus humanus corporis DeGeer (Anoplura, Pediculidae) under the conditions of mass breeding
R. B. Heisch, Harvey A. E. C.1962The development of Spirochaeta duttoni and S. recurrentis in Pediculus humanus
G. H. E. Hopkins1952The correct names of the body and head lice of man
E. F. Kipling1952The control of insects affecting man
G. H. F. Nuttall1917The biology of Pediculus humanus
R. Kuntz, Myers, B., Moore, J.1973The Baboon parasitology
J. L. Scanlon1960The Anoplura and Mallophaga of the Mammals of New York
O. H. Enan1970Susceptibility of body- lice Pediculus humanus humanus to some insecticides in Alexandria area in the United Arab Republic
J. Rageau1958Survey of the arthropods of medical and veterinary interest in the Fench territories of the South Pacific
R. Patay1941Sur un dispositif aérifère de l'embryon de Pediculus vestimenti Nitzsch
T. - H. Chin1983Studies on chinese Anoplura VI: Pedicinidae
T. - H. Chin1980Studies on Chinese Anoplura V. The Polyplacid Genera Polyplax, Haemodipsus, and Sathrax
E. Mjöberg1910Studien über Mallophagen und Anopluren
G. H. E. Hopkins1945Stray notes on Anoplura
H. G. Amsel1950Stammesgeschichte des Menschen und Läuse-Systematik
B. Locker Pope1966Some parasites of the Howler Monkey of nothern Argentina
W. O. Steel1964Siphunculata
J. J. Boero, de Boehringer I. K.1963Reflexiones sobre un nuevo caso de Pediculus mjobergi en el mono aullador Alouata caraya
R. Paulian1958Recherches sur les insects d´importance biologique â Madagascar
G. H. Culpepper1946Rearing body lice on rabbits
G. H. Culpepper1948Rearing and maintaining a laboratory colony of body lice on rabbits
C. Conci1946Prima nota sugli Anopluri italiani
W. W. G. Büttiker, Mahnert V.1978Preliminary list of Anoplura (Insecta) from Switzerland
H. Levene, Dobzhansky T.1959Possible genetic difference between the head louse and the body louse
L. A. Durden1984Possible function of cephalic outgrowth of sucking lice (Anoplura) parasitic on tree shrews (Tupaiidae)
G. Mariani1941Pediculus humanus biologia in rapporto alla disinfestazione
R. Hoeppli, Ch´iang I. - Hung1952Pediculus humanus and phthiriasis in old style Chinese and Western medicine
N. C. Ronald, Wagner J. E.1973Pediculosis of spider monkeys: a case report with zoonotic implications
O. Stroebelt1881Pedicinus piageti n. sp., eine neue Affenlaus
H. - J. Kuhn, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1965Pedicinus patas (Fahrenholz) (Anoplura) and other lice of the Cercopithecini
P. L. G. Benoit1962Pedicinus bilobatus n. sp. parasite sur Cercopithecus neglectus Schlegel (Anoplura-Holopleuridae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith