
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
E. Voigt1952Ein Haareinschluß mit Phthirapteren - Eiern im Bernstein
F. W. Kutz1969A problem in the diagnosis of head lice
L. Geyer1970Phthirii in the hair of a small child. Review and case report
L. Bloomers, van Lennep M.1978Miscellaneous notes on the toxicity of some insecticides for the head louse, Pediculus capitis DeGeer (Anoplura)
H. Oormazdi, Baker K. P.1979An examination of the dietary constituents of the cattle-biting louse, Bovicola bovis
E. L. Berman, Carter, H. W., Brodkin, R.1980Scanning and light microscopy of the crab louse egg
D. Taplin, Castillero, P. M., Spiegel, J., Mercer, S., Rivera, A. A., Schachner, L.1982Malathion for treatment of Pediculus humanus var capitis infestation
F. C. Wilkinson, De Chaneet, G. C., Beetson, B. R.1982Growth of populations of lice, Damalinia ovis, on sheep and their effects on production and processing performance of wool
J. Goldsmid1983Patient education. Head lice
R. Benítez-Rodríguez, Soler-Cruz, M. D., Muñoz-Parra, S., Florido-Navio, A. M.1985Alimentation et milieux utilises dans l'elevage au laboratoire des Mallophages de Capra hircus: Influence du diametre du poil ou de la fibre artificielle
U. B. Johansen, Tikjob G.1986Infestations by crab lice of the hair of the head
P. Marcos Linardi, Botelho, J. Ramiro, De Maria, M., Cunha, H. C.1987Significance of the adhesion site of Pediculus capitis eggs in hair samples collected from barber shop floors
J. Kuffel1987Treating a child with head lice
M. D. Murray1987Arthropods--the pelage of mammals as an environment
P. Marcos Linardi, De Maria, M., Botelho, J. Ramiro, Cunha, H. C., Ferreira, J. B.1988Prevalence of nits and lice in samples of cut hair from floors of barbershops and beauty parlors in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil
E. O'Brien1998Detection and removal of head lice with an electronic comb: zapping the louse!
S. Leiner1998Treatment and retreatment for lice
Anonymous1998Attack of head lice (pediculosis capitis). Diagnosis, prevention and control
D. L. Reed, Hafner, M. S., Allen, S. K.2000Mammalian hair diameter as a possible mechanism for host specialization in chewing lice
C. Roffe2000Treatment of pediculosis capitis by dry combing
A. Spiren, Svensson, A., Jorgensen, E.2000Swimming lice in child day care center--ABC on the treatment of lice infestations. An adequate therapy and contact tracing are successful factors
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart C. G.2000Oral ivermectin therapy for phthiriasis palpebrum
Y. C. Ha, Heo, J. M., Kim, H. J., Go, G. M., Lee, S. J., Jeong, S. H., Ahn, S. I., Kim, M. C., Kim, J. E., Song, H. Y., Park, J. W., Kim, B. S., Sohn, W. M.2000Infestation status of head louse and treatment with lindane shampoo in children of primary school and kindergarten in Chinju-shi, Kyongsangnam-do, Korea
L. Plastow, Luthra, M., Powell, R., Wright, J., Russell, D., Marshall, M. N.2001Head lice infestation: bug busting vs. traditional treatment
T. Lynn Meinking, Entzel, P., Villar, M. E., Vicaria, M., Lemard, G. A., Porcelain, S. L.2001Comparative efficacy of treatments for pediculosis capitis infestations: update 2000
C. M. McCage, Ward, S. M., Paling, C. A., Fisher, D. A., Flynn, P. J., McLaughlin, J. L.2002Development of a paw paw herbal shampoo for the removal of head lice
C. Paget, Menard, S., Wroblewski, I., Gout, J. P., Danel, V., Bost, M.2002Acute organophosphate intoxication after using a anti-lice insecticide shampoo
D. V. Canyon, Speare, R., Muller, R.2002Spatial and kinetic factors for the transfer of head lice (Pediculus capitis) between hairs
T. Lynn Meinking, Serrano, L., Hard, B., Entzel, P., Lemard, G., Rivera, E., Villar, M. E.2002Comparative in vitro pediculicidal efficacy of treatments in a resistant head lice population in the United States
D. Bessis, Chraibi, H., Guillot, B., Guilhou, J. J.2003Erythema annulare centrifugum induced by generalized Phthirus pubis infestation
F. W. Fraunfelder, Fraunfelder, F. T., Goetsch, R. A.2003Adverse ocular effects from over-the-counter lice shampoo
M. Tanyuksel, Araz, R. E., Albay, A., Aycicek, H.2003Prevalence and treatment of Pediculus humanus capitis with 1% permethrin and 0.4% d-phenothrin in Turkey
K. C. Yoon, Park, H. Y., Seo, M. S., Park, Y. G.2003Mechanical treatment of phthiriasis palpebrarum
S. Sim, Lee, I. Y., Lee, K. J., Seo, J. H., Im, K. I., Shin, M. H., Yong, T. S.2003A survey on head lice infestation in Korea (2001) and the therapeutic efficacy of oral trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole adding to lindane shampoo
Anonymous2004A better way to treat head lice?
E. McMullen2004Simple and effective treatment for head lice
C. M. Brenton2005Shaving for head lice is unnecessary and distressing
M. Dawes2005Combing and combating head lice
A. Lwegaba2005Shaving can be safer head lice treatment than insecticides
H. Lapeere, Brochez, L., Haeghen, Y. Vander, Mabilde, C., Stichele, R. Vander, Leybaert, L., Naeyaert, J. - M.2005Method to measure force required to remove Pediculus humanus capitis (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) eggs from human hair
N. Hill, Moor, G., Cameron, M. M., Butlin, A., Preston, S., Williamson, M. S., Bass, C.2005Single blind, randomised, comparative study of the Bug Buster kit and over the counter pediculicide treatments against head lice in the United Kingdom
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith