
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
K. Bremer1988The limits of amino-acid sequence data in angiosperm phylogenetic reconstruction
S. M. Biliński1989Formation and function of accessory nuclei in the oocytes of the bird louse, Eomenacanthus stramineus (Insecta, Mallophaga). I. Ultrastructural and histochemical studies
C. G. Sibley, Ahlquist J. E.1990Phylogeny and Classification of Birds: A Study in Molecular Evolution
S. B. Hedges, Sibley C. G.1994Molecules vs morphology in avian evolution - the case of the Pelecaniform birds
J. Replogle, Lord, W. D., Budowle, B., Meinking, T. Lynn, Taplin, D.1994Identification of host DNA by amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis: preliminary analysis of human crab louse (Anoplura: Pediculidae) excreta
S. B. Hedges, Simmons, M. D., Vandijk, M. A. M., Caspers, G. J., Dejong, W. W., Sibley, C. G.1995Phylogenetic relationships of the hoatzin, an enigmatic South American bird
N. A. Moran, von Dohlen, C. D., Baumann, P.1995Faster evolutionary rates in endosymbiotic bacteria than in cospeciating insect hosts
M. Drancourt, Mainardi, J. L., Brouqui, P., Vandenesch, F., Carta, A., Lehnert, F., Etienne, J., Goldstein, F., Acar, J., Raoult, D.1995Bartonella (Rochalimaea) Quintana endocarditis in three homeless men
A. Feduccia1995Explosive Evolution in Tertiary Birds and Mammals
R. D. M. Page1996Temporal congruence revisited: comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence in cospeciating pocket gophers and their chewing lice
J. P. Huelsenbeck, Bull, J. J., Cunningham, C. W.1996Combining data in phylogenetic analysis
M. F. Whiting, Carpenter, J. C., Wheeler, Q. D., Wheeler, W. C.1997The Strepsiptera problem: phylogeny of the holometabolous insect orders inferred from 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA sequences and morphology
J. E. Koehler, Sanchez, M. A., Garrido, C. S., Whitfeld, M. J., Chen, F. M., Berger, T. G., Rodriguez-Barradas, M. C., LeBoit, P. E., Tappero, J. W.1997Molecular epidemiology of bartonella infections in patients with bacillary angiomatosis-peliosis
J. P. Huelsenbeck, Rannala B.1997Phylogenetic methods come of age: testing hypotheses in an evolutionary context
A. Rambaut, Bromham L.1998Estimating divergence dates from molecular sequences
N. J. H. Campbell, Barker S. C.1998An unprecedented major rearrangement in an arthropod mitochondrial genome
W. D. Lord, DiZinno, J. A., Wilson, M. R., Budowle, B., Taplin, D., Meinking, T. Lynn1998Isolation, amplification, and sequencing of human mitochondrial DNA obtained from human crab louse, Pthirus pubis (L.), blood meals
J. M. Hughes, Baker A. J.1999Phylogenetic relationships of the enigmatic hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) resolved using mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences
T. G. Barraclough, Hogan, J. E., Vogler, A. P.1999Testing whether ecological factors promote cladogenesis in a group of tiger beetles (Coleoptera : Cicindelidae)
E. B. Rydkina, Roux, V., Gagua, E. M., Predtechenski, A. B., Tarasevich, I. V., Raoult, D.1999Bartonella quintana in body lice collected from homeless persons in Russia
P. Brouqui, La Scola, B., Roux, V., Raoult, D.1999Chronic Bartonella quintana bacteremia in homeless patients
T. G. Barraclough, Vogler A. P.2000Detecting the geographical pattern of speciation from species- level phylogenies
J. P. Huelsenbeck, Rannala, B., Larget, B.2000A Bayesian framework for the analysis of cospeciation
S. F. Porcella, Raffel, S. J., Schrumpf, M. E., Schriefer, M. E., Dennis, D. T., Schwan, T. G.2000Serodiagnosis of Louse-Borne relapsing fever with glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (GlpQ) from Borrelia recurrentis
W. C. Wheeler, Whiting, M. F., Wheeler, Q. D., Carpenter, J. M.2001The phylogeny of the extant hexapod orders
C. Lopez-Vaamonde, Rasplus, J. Y., Weiblen, G. D., Cook, J. M.2001Molecular phylogenies of fig wasps: Partial cocladogenesis of pollinators and parasites
G. Giribet, Edgecombe, G. D., Wheeler, W. C.2001Arthropod phylogeny based on eight molecular loci and morphology
B. La Scola, Fournier, P. - E., Brouqui, P., Raoult, D.2001Detection and culture of Bartonella quintana, Serratia marcescens, and Acinetobacter spp. from decontaminated human body lice
M. La Linn, Gardner, J., Warrilow, D., Darnell, G. A., McMahon, C. R., Field, I., Hyatt, A. D., Slade, R. W., Suhrbier, A.2001Arbovirus of marine mammals: a new alphavirus isolated from the elephant seal louse, Lepidophthirus macrorhini
F. K. Barker, Barraclough, G. F., Groth, J. G.2002A phylogenetic hypothesis for passerine birds: taxonomic and biogeographic implications of an analysis of nuclear DNA sequence data
N. P. Leo, Barker S. C.2002Intragenomic variation in ITS2 rDNA in the louse of humans, Pediculus humanus: ITS2 is not a suitable marker for population studies in this species
P. Parola, Shpynov, S., Montoya, M., Lopez, M., Houpikian, P., Zeaiter, Z., Guerra, H., Raoult, D.2002First molecular evidence of new Bartonella spp. in fleas and a tick from Peru
T. Sasaki, Kobayashi, M., Agui, N.2002Detection of Bartonella quintana from body lice (Anoplura: Pediculidae) infesting homeless people in Tokyo by molecular technique
N. P. Leo, Campbell, N. J., Yang, X., Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Barker, S. C.2002Evidence from mitochondrial DNA that head lice and body lice of humans (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) are conspecific
K. Yoshizawa, Johnson K. P.2003Phylogenetic position of Phthiraptera (Insecta: Paraneoptera) and elevated rate of evolution in mitochondrial 12S and 16S rDNA
C. Coker, Majid, M., Radulovic, S.2003Development of Rickettsia prowazekii DNA vaccine: cloning strategies
J. - M. Rolain, Arnoux, D., Parzy, D., Sampol, J., Raoult, D.2003Experimental infection of human erythrocytes from alcoholic patients with Bartonella quintana
R. Kittler, Kayser, M., Stoneking, M.2003Molecular evolution of Pediculus humanus and the origin of clothing
J. Jiang, Temenak, J. J., Richards, A. L.2003Real-time PCR duplex assay for Rickettsia prowazekii and Borrelia recurrentis
E. Pennisi2004Human origins. Louse DNA suggests close contact between early humans
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Gallili, N., Reshef, A., Brauner, P., Grant, H.2004Use of human lice in forensic entomology
C. M. Alsmark, Frank, A. C., Karlberg, E. O., Legault, B. A., Ardell, D. H., Canback, B., Eriksson, A. S., Naslund, A. K., Handley, S. A., Huvet, M., La Scola, B., Holmberg, M., Andersson, S. G.2004The louse-borne human pathogen Bartonella quintana is a genomic derivative of the zoonotic agent Bartonella henselae
A. H. Kollien, Waniek, P. J., Pröls, F., Habedank, B., Schaub, G. A.2004Cloning and characterization of a trypsin-encoding cDNA of the human body louse Pediculus humanus
Y. Zhu, Fournier, P. - E., Ogata, H., Raoult, D.2005Multispacer typing of Rickettsia prowazekii enabling epidemiological studies of epidemic typhus
G. K. Brown, Martin, A. R., Roberts, T. K., Dunstan, R. H.2005Molecular detection of Anaplasma platys in lice collected from dogs in Australia
N. P. Leo, Hughes, J. M., Yang, X., Poudel, S. Kanta S., Brogdon, W. G., Barker, S. C.2005The head and body lice of humans are genetically distinct (Insecta: Phthiraptera, Pediculidae): evidence from double infestations
G. K. Kyei-Poku, Colwell, D. D., Coghlin, P., Benkel, B., Floate, K. D.2005On the ubiquity and phylogeny of Wolbachia in lice
C. Foucault, La Scola, B., Lindroos, H., Andersson, S. G., Raoult, D.2005Multispacer typing technique for sequence-based typing of Bartonella quintana
K. Yoshizawa, Johnson K. P.2006Morphology of male genitalia in lice and their relatives and phylogenetic implications
V. Hypša, Křížek J.2007Molecular Evidence for Polyphyletic Origin of the Primary Symbionts of Sucking Lice (Phthiraptera, Anoplura)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith