
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
H. Mooser, Castaneda, M. R., Zinsser, H.1931The transmission of the virus of mexican typhus from rat to rat by Polyplax spinulosa
L. Kartman1948The relation of nutrition to ectoparasites of chickens and rats
E. F. Sosnina1967The dependence of the infestation and species compositionof rodents` ectoparasites and the host`s habitat (on the example of Rattus turkestanicus)
J. Rageau1958Survey of the arthropods of medical and veterinary interest in the Fench territories of the South Pacific
S. S. Ahmed, Ahmed T.1974Studies on ectoparasites of rats trapped in the municipal limits of Hyderabad: their morophtaxonomy, seasonal variation and host parasite relationship
G. B. Corbet, Cameron, A. D., Greenwood, J. J. D.1968Small mammals and their ectoparasites from Scottish islands of Handa (Sutherland), Muck, Pabay, Scalpay and Soay (Inner Hebrides)
T. R. Hadi, Sarbini, S., Brown, R. J.1983Small mammalian ectoparasites from the Mount Bromo area, East Java, Indonesia
C. J. Mitchell1971Relative abundance of rats and their ectoparasites in two grain warehouses in Calcutta, India during 1964-1965
P. Volf1991Postembryonal development of mycetocytes and symbionts of the spiny rat louse Polyplax spinulosa
E. F. Sosnina, Skylar V. E.1985Phoresy of lice (Anoplura) on flies (Diptera)
I. Babic1934Paraziticka acarina i insecta ustanovljena kod domacih zivotinja u Jugosaviji (Parasitisvche Acarina und Insecta festgestellt bei Haustiere in Jugoslawien
E. van den Broek, Jansen, Jr. J.1964Parasites of animals in the Netherlands. Suppl. II: Parasites of Wild Animals
J. - K. Jensen, Magnussen E.2015Occurrence of fleas (Siphonaptera) and lice (Phthiraptera) on Brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) on the Faroes Islands
Z. Wegner1970Lice (Anoplura) of small mammals caught in Dobrogea (Roumania)
J. J. Turyanin1962K voprosu o faune Mallophaga i Anoplura nekotorykh teplokrovnykh zivotnykh Karpat
A. Garcia1976Insectos Hematofagos de Cuba
W. K. Reisen, Basio, R. G., Pollard, T. J., Libay, J. L.1975Host associations of small mammal ectoparasites collected in the Orient
J. O. Whitaker, Jr.1976Food and External Parasites of the Norway Rat, Rattus norvegicus, in Indiana
G. Arlt1963Faunistisch-ökologische Untersuchungen über Ektoparasiten an Kleinsäugern im Gebiet von Greifswald
V. J. Gibney, Campbell I. B.1980Effects of ariboflavinosis on populations of Polypalx spinulosa (Burmeister). (Anoplura: Haematopinidae) in artificially infested albino rats
R. A. Mauri, Capri J. J.1962Ectoparásitos de ratas de la ciudad de Buenos Aires
I. A. Gaaboub, Donia, A. H., Kelada, N. L., Abdelkarim, M. E. H.1982Ectoparasites of some rodents from the edge of the Western Desert near Alexandria, Egypt
Z. Wegner, Kruminis-Lozowska W.1984Ectoparasites of rats collected in the Port and City of Gdansk
N. Wilson, Wodzicki K.1977Ectoparasites from Fruit Bats and Rats on Niue Islands.
J. O. Whitaker, Jr., Jones, G., Goff, R.1976Ectoparasites and food habits of the opossum, Didelphis virginiana in Indiana
V. Khachoian, Araklian L.1978Case of the transmission of the rat trypanosome by lice
P. Brinck1950Anoplura.
K. Touleshkov1957Anoplura on undomesticated mammals in Bulgaria
P. L. G. Benoit1959Anoplura du Congo belge et du Ruanda-Urundi. Genres Holopleura et Polyplax
V. Lyman Kellogg, Ferris G. Floyd1915Anoplura and Mallophaga of north American Mammals.
E. Dudich1923Adatok hazánk Anoplura-faunájához
M. Mrciak1967Acari, Anoplura a Aphaniptera Blatenskej nizrny pod Vihorlatom
T. H. Johnston, Harrison L. J. S.1913A note on Australien Pediculids
G. B. Thompson1939A check-list and host-list of the ectoparasites recorded from British birds and mammals. Part I Mammals (excluding bats)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith