
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
B. H. Kay, Kemp D. H.1994Vaccines against Arthropods
J. W. Vinson, Varela, G., Molina-Pasquel, C.1969Trench fever. III. Induction of clinical disease in volunteers inoculated with Rickettsia quintana propagated on blood agar
G. Varela, Vinson, J. W., Molina-Pasquel, C.1969Trench fever. II. Propagation of Rickettsia quintana on cell-free medium from the blood of two patients
M. Y. Youssef, Sadaka, H. A., Eissa, M. M., el-Ariny, A. F.1995Topical application of ivermectin for human ectoparasites
R. D. Price1954The survival of Bacterium tularense in lice and louse feces
W. Haddon1956The maintenance of the human body louse Pediculus humanus corporis through complete cycles of growth by serial feeding through artificial membranes
R. J. Reiss-Gutfreund1966The isolation of Rickettsia prowazeki and mooseri from unusual sources
F. Weyer1952The behavior of Rickettsia akari in the body louse after artificial infection
B. I. Tarshis, Blinstrub R.1963Preliminary studies on the use of sorptive dusts for the control of the human lice, Phthirus pubis (L.) and Pediculus humanus capitis DeGeer
J. C. Snyder1972Population and disease control
C. B. Philip, Lackman, D. B., Bell, E. J., Hughes, L. E.1966Laboratory identification of typhus isolated by Reiss-Gutfreund from Ethiopian livestock ticks
M. Qutubuddin1961Insecticide resistance of body lice in the Sudan Republic
P. Parola, Shpynov, S., Montoya, M., Lopez, M., Houpikian, P., Zeaiter, Z., Guerra, H., Raoult, D.2002First molecular evidence of new Bartonella spp. in fleas and a tick from Peru
L. Houhamdi, Raoult D.2006Experimentally infected human body lice (Pediculus humanus humanus) as vectors of Rickettsia rickettsii and Rickettsia conorii in a rabbit model
L. Houhamdi, Raoult D.2006Experimental infection of human body lice with Acinetobacter baumannii
M. F. Bozeman, Sonenshine, D. E., Williams, M. S., Chadwick, D. P., Lauer, D. M., Elisberg, B. L.1981Experimental infection of ectoparasitic arthropods with Rickettsia prowazekii (GvF-16 strain) and transmission to flying squirrels
T. A. Olson, Kennedy, R. C., Rueger, M. E., Price, R. D., Schlottman, L. L.1961Evaluation of activity of viral encephalitides in Minnesota through measurement of pigeon antibody response
H. S. Hurlbut, Peffly, R. L., Salah, A. A.1954DDT resistance in Egyptian body lice
A. S. Perry, Buckner A. J.1958Biochemical investigations on DDT-resistance in the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus
P. L. Perine, Teklu B.1983Antibiotic treatment of louse-borne relapsing fever in Ethiopia: a report of 377 cases
W. Haddon1956An artificial membrane and apparatus for the feeding of the human body louse Pediculus humanus corporis
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith