
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
E. Mey2004Über die Entwicklung fürstlicher Naturalienkabinette in Thüringen
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky, Popow P.1938Züchtungsverfahren der Schweinelaus
E. Mey1986Zwergmöwe – Larus minutus Pall., 1776
E. Mey1988Zur Vogelwelt der Hörselberge
J. Torreggiana1910Zooparasitos del altiplano boliviano
Z. Wegner1972Wszy-Anoplura. Czesc XVI.
R. D. Price, Hellenthal, R. A., Palma, R. L.2003World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera
W. Eichler1955Wirtsspezifität und Evolution
D. Lore Sharp1914Wild turkey
J. E. Alicata, Kartman, L., Fisher, H. I.1948Wild birds as possible carriers of poultry parasites
F. Balát1959Všenky – Mallophaga
H. Wolfgang Ludwig1973Viability of lice feeding on blood of nonspecific hosts
H. Wolfgang Ludwig1973Viability of lice feeding on blood of nonspecific hosts
E. Mey2003Verzeichnis der tierläuse (Phthiraptera) Deutschlands
H. Plotz1926Vermin infestation and delousing
H. B. Carter1965Variation in the the Hair Follicle Population of the Mammmalian Skin
Grothaus, R. H., Cole M. M.1973Use of fumigants for control of body lice
H. Osborn1899Untitled
L. Rózsa, Tryjanowski, P., Vas, Z.2015Under the changing climate: how shifting geographic distributions and sexual selection shape parasite diversification
Riley, Jr., H. D.1982Typhus fevers.
S. Bayne-Jones1964Typhus fevers
J. C. Snyder1965Typhus fever rickettsiae
Makara, G.1973Typhus and louse control in Hungry
H. J. Shaughnessy1963Tularemia
Riley, Jr., H. D.1982Trench fever (infection due to Rochalimaea quintana)
N. G. Gratz1985Treatment resistance in louse control
N. G. Gratz1977Treatment resistance in louse control
E. Mey2004Tierwelt
T. von Wasielewski1927Tierische Parasiten (mit Ausschluß der Blutparasiten)
E. F. Knipling1952Ticks, lice, sheep keds, mites
D. Simberloff, Heck, K. L., McCoy, E. D., Conner, E. F.1981There have been no statistical tests of cladistic biogeographic hypotheses
H. Leroy Sweetman1936Theoretical Basis of Control. Parasitism
Eldridge, B. F.1973The use of chemosterilants and genetic manipulation to control lice
D. E. Weidhaas1973The use of chemosterilants and genetic manipulation to control lice
J. C. Snyder1959The typhus fevers
Winmill, A. E.1973The status of louse control in the Canadian Armed Forces
W. L. McAtee1945The ring-necked pheasant: and its management in North America
L. Kartman1948The relation of nutrition to ectoparasites of chickens and rats
Kostrzewski, J.1973The problem of recrudescent typhus
Bruner, D. W.1963The pox diseases of man and animals
J. C. Snyder1973The philosophy of disease control and the population explosion
Schoof, H. F.1973The occurrence and distribution of resistance in lice
F. S. Bodenheimer1951The nutritive value of insects as human food
Y. C. Meng, Zhuge, H. X., Lan, M. Y., Zhou, H. F.1996The natural infection, experimental transmission and maintenance of HFRS virus in gamasid mites (Mesostigmata)
H. Ellsworth Ewing1929The Mallophaga, or biting lice
V. Lyman Kellogg1908The Mallophaga of the Kilimandjaro Region
T. Clay1951The Mallophaga as an aid to the classification of birds with special reference to the structure of feathers
J. Rékási1991The lice fauna of the Bátorliget Nature Reserves (Mallophaga)
E. Séguy1924The insect parasites of man and domestic animals
Boese, J. L., Wisseman, Jr. C. L.1973The influence of antibodies, antibiotics, and strain virulence on typhus infection in human body lice


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith