
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Z. Wegner1956Lice on small mammals in the Szczecin region.
J. Lachmajer, Wegner Z.1956Fleas and lice parasitizing small mammals in the Bialowieza National Park.
J. Lachmajer, Wegner Z.1959Characteristics of a natural focus of encephalitis viruses in the neighbourhood of Kartuzy (Gdansk Province) 1957
Z. Wegner1959Lice on small mammals in a natural focus of tick-born encephalitis in the Puszcza Bialowieska (National Park)
Z. Wegner1961Hoplopleura musculi n. sp. (Anoplura) found on Mus musculus Rut
Z. Wegner, Eichler W.1963Fauna of lice found on hares in the Poznan province (Poland)
Z. Wegner1966The immature stages of the louse Hoplopleura captiosa Johnson syn. Hoplopleura musculi Wegner?
Z. Wegner1966Wszy -Anoplura.
Z. Wegner1967Lice (Anoplura) found in Poland
Z. Wegner, Eichler W.1968Fauna of lice found on hares in the Poznan province (Poland)
Z. Wegner1970Lice (Anoplura) of small mammals caught in Dobrogea (Roumania)
Z. Wegner1971Enderleinellus propinquus Blag, a species of Anoplura from Suslik new to Poland
Z. Wegner1974Lice (Anoplura) in the Aspect of Experimental and Faunistical Investigations carried out in Poland
Z. Wegner1974Polish scientists' achievements in the field of lice (Anoplura)
Z. Wegner, Kruminis-Lozowska W.1977Studies of complex infestation of rats in the region of Gdynia and Gdansk. I.
Z. Wegner, Kruminis-Lozowska W.1984Ectoparasites of rats collected in the Port and City of Gdansk
Z. Wegner1991Anomalie morfologiczne u wszy (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith