
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
M. H. Hatch1938A bibliographic catalogue of the injurious arachnids and insects of Washington
G. B. Thompson1938A brief survey of the species of Mallophaga described from (3) Procellariiformes and (4) Pelecaniformes
G. B. Thompson1938A census of the ectoparasites of some Ceylon rats
A. Daniel Imms1938A general textbook of entomology, including the anatomy, physiology, development and classification of insects
G. B. Thompson, Plomley N. J. B.1938A list of the insect ectoparasites recorded from Australian birds and mammals
G. B. Thompson1938A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
J. Henry Comstock, Herrick, G. W., Comstock, A. B.1938A manual for the study of insects
O. G. Babcock, Ewing H. Ellsworth1938A new genus and species of Anoplura from the peccary
G. B. Thompson1938A new species of Solenopotes (Anoplura, Siphunculata)
W. Eichler, Müller D. Ursula1938Acta Mallophagologica: Lieferung 1
W. Eichler, Eichler D. Ursula1938Acta Mallophagologica: Lieferung 2
F. Leoni Werneck1938Algumas especies novas de Mallophaga (Trichodectidae)
G. B. Thompson1938An ectoparasite census of some common javanese rats
H. J. Craufurd-Benson1938An improved method for testing liquid contact insecticides in the laboratory
G. B. Thompson1938Anoplura (Siphunculata and Mallophaga) from Juan Fernandez hosts
H. O. Mönnig1938Anoplura: suborder Mallophaga, suborder Anoplura
H. O. Mönnig1938Arthropods
S. von Kéler1938Baustoffe zu einer monographie der Mallophagen. I Teil: Überfamilie Trichodectoidea
W. Eichler1938Bizarrifrons nov. gen., eine bemerkenswerte asymmetrische Federlingsgattung von Icteriden. (Betrachtungen über morphologische Besonderheiten bei Mallophagen. I.)
F. H. S. Roberts1938Cattle lice
F. H. S. Roberts1938Cattle lice: Their economic importance in Queesland
S. Barnsley Pessôa, Guimarães L. R.1938Contribuição para o conhecimento das Mallophagas das aves do Brasil. VII. Sobre uma nova especie do genero Neophilopterus
T. Clay, Rothschild M.1938Ectoparasites from captive birds I. 1936-1937
F. Simon1938Goniodes centrocerci, a new mallophagan from grouse
H. Weber1938Grundriß der insektenkunde
C. S. Brimley1938Insects of North Carolina
G. S. Markov1938Javlene forezii u puchoedov
G. B. Thompson1938Letter to Spencer,George J.
G. B. Thompson1938Letter to Spencer,George J.
G. B. Thompson1938Letter to Spencer,George J.
Spencer, G. J.1938Letter to Thompson,Gordon B.
Spencer, G. J.1938Letter to Thompson,Gordon B.
K. C. Emerson1938Letter to Werneck, Fabio Leoni
F. Leoni Werneck1938Linognathus cervicaprae (Lucas)
T. E. Houdemer1938Liste des hôtes et de leurs parasites
Beier, M.1938Mallophaga (Federlinge)
G. B. Thompson1938Mallophaga. Résultats du voyage de la Belgica en 1897-99 sous le commandement de A. de Gerlache de Gomery.
W. A. Riley, Johannsen O. A.1938Medical entomology
T. Clay, Meinertzhagen R.1938New Genera and species of Mallophaga
T. Clay1938New species of Mallophaga from Afropavo congensis Chapin
L. R. Guimarães1938Nota sobre um Mallophago Austrogoniodes bifasciatus (Piaget) parasita do pinquin
G. B. Thompson1938Notes on the two species of Siphunculata or sucking-lice occrring on Rattus spp. in the Malayan and Pacific regions, with special reference to Java
A. V. Martynov1938Oeerki geologieeskoj istorii i filogenii otrijadov nasekomych (Pterygota). Palaeoptera i Neoptera - Polyneoptera
G. B. Thompson1938On two species of Mallophaga from Phaëton rubricauda roseotincta (Matthews)
O. Wilford Olsen1938Parasite studies on ring-necked pheasants, Phasianus colchicus torquatus (GMELIN) in Minnesota.
D. Mikacic1938Paraziti nasih ovaca (Parasiten des Schafes)
I. Erlich1938Parazitieka fauna macaka iz Zagreba i zagrebaeke okolice
I. Erlich1938Parazitieka fauna pava s podrueja grada Zagreba
P. György1938Pediculosis in rats kept on a ribo-flavin-deficient diet
M. Jakovlevic Ass1938Pravilo Fuhrmana


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith