
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Anonymous1929Obituary: Annie Constance Jackson Meinertzhagen
Anonymous1942The head louse and modern hairdressing
Anonymous1942Health under Hitler
Anonymous1961Anoploures. in: Station expérimentale de Parasitologie de RIchelieu (Indre-et-Loire). Contribution à la faune parasitaire régionale.
Anonymous1966Notifiable diseases in the Americas
Anonymous1968Phthiriasis in a dog
Anonymous1973Kopflausbefall (Pediculosis capitis). Verhütung und Bekämpfung. Ratschläge an Ärzte
Anonymous1975Pediculus humanus capitis
Anonymous1979Nonreported sexually transmitted diseases: United States
Anonymous1981Louse-borne typhus in 1979
Anonymous1986Obituary: Fritz Konrad Ernst Zumpt (1908-1985)
Anonymous1997A large outbreak of epidemic louse-borne typhus in Burundi
Anonymous1998Working document combs out guidance on head lice
Anonymous1999National guideline for the management of Phthirus pubis infestation
Anonymous1999Malathion for treatment of head lice
Anonymous1999Quarterly communicable disease review October to December 1998
Anonymous2000Louse-y treatments
Anonymous2000Head lice: The gentle skill of Bug Busting ... fun without tears
Anonymous2000The bug stops here
Anonymous2003A parent's story: "I felt lost and hysterical"
Anonymous2003Dealing with head lice--how have times changed?
Anonymous2004A better way to treat head lice?
Anonymous2004Head lice. A common nuisance
Anonymous2004Follow-up: finding hard-to-find head lice
Anonymous2004Information from your family doctor. Head lice
Anonymous2005Drugs for head lice
Anonymous2012[Coevolution of Passeriformes and ectoparasites with emphasis on lice based on CO1 sequence data]
Anonymous2016Drugs for Head Lice
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith