
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
W. Eichler1939Topographische Spezialisation bei Ektoparasiten
M. D. Murray1955Oviposition in lice with reference to Damalinia ovis
H. Stenram1956The ecology of Columbicola columbae L. (Mallophaga)
J. S. Ash1960A study of the Mallophaga of birds with particular reference to their ecology
M. D. Murray1963The ecology of lice on lice on sheep. V. Influence of heavy rain on populations of Damalinia ovis (L.)
L. F. Lewis, Christenson, D. M., Eddy, G. W.1967Rearing the long-nosed cattle louse and cattle biting louse on host animals in Oregon
W. Eichler, Złotorzycka J.1972Pamphlets on applied parasitology and pest control. 19. The pigeon lice Columbicola columbae columbae
W. Eichler, Złotorzycka, J., Ludwig, H. Wolfgang, Stenram, H.1972The pigeon louse Columbicola columbae columbae
K. V. Lakshminarayana1973Mallophaga indica. 8. Harrison's law versus Struthiolipeurus with remarks on host relationships
K. Chung Kim1977Notes on populations of Bovilcola jellisoni on Dall's sheep (Ovis dalli).
H. Mester1977Incidence of Upupicola upupae in the crest of the hoopoe
K. Chalmers, Charleston W. A.1980Cattle lice in New Zealand: observations on the biology and ecology of Damalinia bovis and Linognathus vituli
D. H. Clayton, Gregory, R. D., Price, R. D.1992Comparative ecology of neotropical bird lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera)
D. H. Clayton, Tompkins D. M.1995Comparative effects of mites and lice on the reproductive success of rock doves (Columba livia)
C. R. Brown, Brown, M. Bomberger, Rannala, B.1995Ectoparasites reduce long-term survival of their avian host
B. R. Moyer, Wagenbach G. E.1995Sunning by Black Noddies (Anous minutus) may kill chewing lice (Quadraceps hopkinsi)
L. Rózsa1997Patterns in the abundance of avian lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera)
deL. M. Brooke, Nakamura H.1998The acquisition of host-specific feather lice by common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus)
H. Hoi, Darolová, A., Konig, C., Krištofík, J.1998The relation between colony size, breeding density and ectoparasite loads of adult European bee-eaters (Merops apiaster)
C. K. Williams, Davidson, R., Lutz, R. S., Applegate, R. D.2000Health status of northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) in eastern Kansas
N. Kerness Whiteman, Parker P. G.2004Effects of host sociality on ectoparasite population biology
E. Mey, Barker S. C.2014A new Brueelia species (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Ischnocera, Philopteridae) living on Fairy-bluebirds (Irenidae), with remarks on the genus Brueelia Kéler, 1936 sensu lato
E. Mey, Stubbe, M., Lchagvasuren, D., Stubbe, A.2016Der Mönchsgeier Aegypius monachus (L., 1766) und seine Mallophagen (Insecta, Phthiraptera) in der Mongolei
Y. Ajith, Dimri, U., Madhesh, E., Gopalakrishnan, A., Verma, M. Ram, Samad, H. A., Reena, K. K., Chaudhary, A. Kumar, Devi, G., Bosco, J.2020Influence of weather patterns and air quality on ecological population dynamics of ectoparasites in goats
I. Sándor Piross, Solt, S., Horváth, É., Kotymán, L., Palatitz, P., Bertók, P., Szabó, K., Vili, N., Vas, Z., Rózsa, L., Harnos, A., Fehérvári, P.2020Sex-dependent changes in the louse abundance of red-footed falcons (Falco vespertinus)
J. M. Pérez, Sáez, Á., Liébanas, G., Rossi, L., Fernández, M., Fraija-Fernández, N.2023Detailed morphological structure and phylogenetic relationships of Degeeriella punctifer (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae), a parasite of the bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae)
C. D. Roque, Minaya, D., Muñoz, G. E., Saravia, K. G., Fong, E. E., Iannacone, J.2024Chewing lice (Psocodea, Phthiraptera: Amblycera and Ischnocera) in wild birds in Zungarococha, Iquitos (Peru)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith