
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
L. A. Favorova, Chernyshova, T. F., Beshcheva, N. I., Mikhailov, A. K.1965On the possibility of transmission of tick relapsing fever by lice. II. The fate of spirochaetae of tick relapsing fever in the organism of body lice in the first day after infective feeding
C. B. Philip, Lackman, D. B., Bell, E. J., Hughes, L. E.1966Laboratory identification of typhus isolated by Reiss-Gutfreund from Ethiopian livestock ticks
R. J. Reiss-Gutfreund1966The isolation of Rickettsia prowazeki and mooseri from unusual sources
G. Kohler, Hoffmann G.1966Mites, lice and trichodects as possible carriers of dermatophytes
L. A. Faborova, Chernyshova, T. F., Beshcheva, N. I., Mikhailov, A. K., Trifonov, V. I.1967On the possibility of transmission of tick relapsing fever by lice. 3. Further data on the fate of tick relapsing fever spirochaetae in the organism of body lice
N. D. Klimchuk1967Comparison of the antirickettsial action of antibiotics used in Brill's disease
Anonymous1968Rickettsial diseases
R. J. Reiss-Gutfreund1968Some speculations concerning extrahuman Rickettsia prowazeki and a few remarks about the epidemiology of Rickettsia mooseri
R. E. Abdalla1969Some studies on relapsing fever in the Sudan
H. Tanaka, Oshima, S., Fujinami, F.1974A survey of parasites in commercially available small laboratory mammals
A. G. Luts, Kitsara M. S.1982Comparative study of the indirect hemagglutination reaction for detecting Rickettsia prowazekii
W. T. Liu1984Trench fever. A resume of literature and a note on some obscure phases of the disease
J. X. Li, Fu, R. S., Liu, W. T.1984An attempt to infect human body lice, Pediculus humanus var corporis on a mild case of murine typhus
A. V. Pshenichnova, Lukin, E. P., Mikhailov, V. V., Pashanina, T. P., Iurchuk, B. G.1985Experimental study of the properties of sublines of Rickettsia prowazekii vaccinal strain E
N. D. Klimchuk, Luts A. G.1985The efficacy of new antibiotics in rickettsial infection
P. Volf1994Localization of the major immunogen and other glycoproteins of the louse Polyplax spinulosa
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith