
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
A. M. Common1956"Anting" by house sparrow
K. E. L. Simmons1955Letter: On anting
D. Goodwin1955"Anting" by birds
R. C. Stone1954"Anting" by Wryneck
W. M. Logan Home1954"Anting" by Blackbird
W. P. C. Tenison1954"Anting" by Blackbird
D. Goodwin1953Interspecific differences in the anting movements of some corvine birds
W. H. Brown1953Some further comments on "Anting"
F. W. Miller1952Blue jay, Cyanocitta cristata, "Anting" with burning cigarettes
M. Burton1952The fantastic habit of anting
R. S. R. Fitter, Richardson R. A.1951"Anting" of a Song-thrush
H. Wackernagel1951Eine Beobachtung von Einemsen an einer isoliert aufgezogen Rabenkrähe (Corvus corone L.)
R. Wheeler1951Anting in Australia
T. P. Wells1950"Anting" of carrion crow
F. G. Stanford1949"Anting" of green woodpecker
B. M. A. Chappell1949"Anting" by rook
A. R. Longhurst1949"Anting" by chaffinch
Laskey,1949Record of blue jay anting
K. Allsop1949"Anting" of green woodpecker
H. Brackbill1948Anting of four species of birds
W. Condry1947Behaviour of young carrion crow with ants
D. Goodwin1947"Anting" of tame jay
K. Gough1947Song-thrush "Anting"
C. J. F. Coombs1947Behaviour of young hooded crow with ants
R. E. Williams1947"Anting" by blackbird
M. E. Groff, Brackbill H.1946Purple Grackles "anting" with walnut juice
E. Reynolds1946"Anting" by magpies
B. M. Hobby1946A fruther instance of "anting" by a starling
R. H. Thomas1946Catbird anting with a leaf
L. Gregory1946"Anting" of a starling
F. H. Allen1946Audubon and anting
M. Davis1945English Sparrow anting
M. Davis1944A Robin anting
W. L. McAtee1944Red-eyed Towhee anting
S. Ali1936Do birds employ ants to rid themselves of ectoparasites?
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith