
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
I. K. Marshall2003A morphological phylogeny for four families of amblyceran lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Menoponidae, Boopidae, Laemobothriidae, Ricinidae)
J. C. Banks, Paterson A. M.2004A penguin-chewing louse (Insecta : Phthiraptera) phylogeny derived from morphology
M. S. Hafner, Demastes, J. W., Hafner, D. J., Spradling, T. A., Sudman, P. D., Nadler, S. A.1998Age and movement of a hybrid zone: Implications for dispersal distance in pocket gophers and their chewing lice
A. M. Paterson, Banks J. C.2001Analytical approaches to measuring cospeciation of host and parasites: through a glass, darkly
V. Stuart Smith2001Avian louse phylogeny (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera): a cladistic study based morphology
J. D. Weckstein2004Biogeography explains cophylogenetic patterns in toucan chewing lice
S. Morand, Hafner, M. S., Page, R. D. M., Reed, D. L.2000Comparative body size relationships in pocket gophers and their chewing lice
P. H. Harvey, Keymer A. E.1991Comparing life histories using phylogenies
J. C. Banks, Palma, R. L., Paterson, A. M.2006Cophylogenetic relationships between penguins and their chewing lice
V. Stuart Smith, Page, R. D. M., Johnson, K. P.2004Data incongruence and the problem of avian louse phylogeny
A. P. Rasnitsyn, Krassilov V. A.1996First finding of pollen in intestines of Lower Permian insects
K. D. McCoy, Boulinier, T., Tirard, C., Michalakis, Y.2001Host specificity of a generalist parasite: genetic evidence of sympatric host races in the seabird tick Ixodes uriae
S. Morand, Simkova, A., Matejusova, I., Plaisance, L., Verneau, O., Desdevises, Y.2002Investigating patterns may reveal processes: evolutionary ecology of ectoparasitic monogeneans
R. D. M. Page, Clayton, D. H., Paterson, A. M.1996Lice and cospeciation: a response to Barker
J. - C. Beaucournu1993Lice and fleas - true or false indicators
S. C. Barker1996Lice, cospeciation and parasitism
H. C. Proctor, Owens I. I.2000Mites and birds: diversity, parasitism and coevolution
C. Lopez-Vaamonde, Rasplus, J. Y., Weiblen, G. D., Cook, J. M.2001Molecular phylogenies of fig wasps: Partial cocladogenesis of pollinators and parasites
R. Ramli, Cusack, M., Curry, G. B., Furness, R. W.2000Morphological variation of chewing lice (Insecta : Phthiraptera) from different skua taxa
J. Hughes, Kennedy, M., Johnson, K. P., Palma, R. L., Page, R. D. M.2007Multiple cophylogenetic analyses reveal frequent cospeciation between Pelecaniform birds and Pectinopygus lice
A. M. Paterson, Gray, R. D., Wallis, G. P.1993Parasites, petrels and penguins: does louse presence reflect seabird phylogeny?
L. Rózsa2005Parasitism: the driving force of animal and human evolution
A. P. Retana-Salazar1996Parasitological evidence on the phylogeny of hominids and cebids
K. P. Johnson, Moyle, R. G., Witt, C. C., Faucett, R. C., Weckstein, J. D.2001Phylogenetic relationships in the louse genus Penenirmus based on nuclear (EF-l alpha) and mitochondrial (COI) DNA sequences
S. C. Barker1994Phylogeny and classification, origins and evolution of host associations of lice
J. W. Demastes, Hafner, M. S., Hafner, D. J., Spradling, T. A.1998Pocket gophers and chewing lice: a test of the maternal transmission hypothesis
L. Rózsa1991Points in questions - Flamingo lice contravene Fahrenholz
V. A. Krassilov, Rasnitsyn A. P.1996Pollen in the guts of Permian insects: first evidence of pollinivory and its evolutionary significance
K. P. Johnson, Allen, J. M., Olds, B. P., Mugisha, L., Reed, D. L., Paige, K. N., Pittendrigh, B. R.2014Rates of genomic divergence in humans, chimpanzees and their lice
D. H. Clayton, Lee, P. L. M., Tompkins, D. M., Brodie, E. D.1999Reciprocal natural selection on host-parasite phenotypes
F. Ronquist1995Reconstructing the history of host-parasite associations using generalised parsimony
K. P. Johnson, Kennedy, M., McCracken, K. G.2006Reinterpreting the origins of flamingo lice: cospeciation or host-switching?
T. Wappler, Smith, V. Stuart, Dalgleish, R. C.2004Scratching an ancient itch: an Eocene bird louse fossil
J. Złotorzycka1961Some chosen problems in ecological and phylogenetic relations between Mallophaga and their avian hosts.
L. Rózsa1993Speciation patterns of ectoparasites and "straggling" lice
I. U. S. Balashov2001Specificity of host-parasite relations between arthropods and terrestrial vertebrates
H. Bosch1983The genus Saemundssonia (Mallophaga, Ischnocera) and the systematic relationship within the host family Alcidae (Aves, Charadriiformes)
C. G. Sibley, Corbin, K. W., Haavie, J. H.1969The relationship of the flamingos as indicated by the egg-white proteins and hemoglobins
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith