
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
C. M. Ginsburg, Lowry W.1983Absorption of gamma benzene hexachloride following application of Kwell Shampoo
P. J. Honig1986Arthropod bites, stings, and infestations: their prevention and treatment
T. Lynn Meinking, Vicaria, M., Eyerdam, D. H., Villar, M. E., Reyna, S., Suarez, G.2004Efficacy of a reduced application time of Ovide lotion (0.5% malathion) compared to Nix creme rinse (1% permethrin) for the treatment of head lice
A. M. R. Downs, Stafford, K. A., Stewart, G. H., Coles, G. C.2000Factors that may be influencing the prevalence of head lice in British school children
S. Klaus, Shvil, Y., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.1994Generalized infestation of a 3½-year-old girl with the pubic louse
R. T. Kuwahara, Rasberry R. D.2001Inexpensive head lice comb
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Friger, M., Ioffe-Uspensky, I., Ben-Ishai, F., Miller, J.2001Louse comb versus direct visual examination for the diagnosis of head louse infestations
M. Armoni, Bibi, H., Schlesinger, M., Pollak, S., Metzker, A.1988Pediculosis capitis: why prefer a solution to shampoo or spray?
N. Ikeda, Nomoto, H., Hayasaka, S., Nagaki, Y.2003Phthirus pubis infestation of the eyelashes and scalp hairs in a girl
K. F. Helm, Lane, A. T., McPhilmy, J.1988Pseudoresistance to pediculicides in a case of pubic lice
B. S. Silburt, Parsons W. L.1990Scalp infestation by Phthirus pubis in a 6-week-old infant
C. Akisu, Aksoy, U., Delibas, S. B., Ozkoc, S., Sahin, S.2005The prevalence of head lice infestation in school children in izmir, Turkey
T. Shwayder1999Treatment and treatment resistance of scabies and lice
L. A. Schachner1997Treatment resistant head lice: alternative therapeutic approaches
T. Lynn Meinking1997Treatment resistant head lice: alternative therapeutic approaches - commentary
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith