
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
T. H. Johnston, Harrison L. J. S.1912A census of Australian Mallophaga
T. H. Johnston, Harrison L. J. S.1912A list of Mallophaga found on introduced and domesticated animals in Australia
E. Alexander McGregor1912A new mallophagan
J. Waterston1912A new species of Mackayia (M. heteracanthus)
V. Lyman Kellogg, Mann W. M.1912A third collection of Mallophaga from Alaskan birds
L. J. S. Harrison1912Ancistrona procellariae Westwood
B. Frederic Cummings1912Anoplura from African hosts
H. Fahrenholz1912Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Anopluren
E. Schäff1912Bemerkung zu vorstehendem Artikel
H. Fahrenholz1912Diagnosen neuer Anoplura. Nachtrag
V. Lyman Kellogg1912Distribution of ectoparasites
J. Waterston1912Docophorus melanocephalus Nitzsch a straggler on the knot Shetland
C. Nicolle, Blaizot, L., Conseil, E.1912Etiologie de la fièvre récurrente; son mode de transmission par le pou
J. A. Gilruth, Sweest G.1912Further observations on Onchocerca gibsoni, the cause of worm-nodules in cattle
J. Waterston1912Haematopinus (Haemodipsus Enderlein) ventricosus Denny, in N. Mavine, Shetland, with note on an easy method of its detection
J. Waterston1912Haematopinus vituli, L. (= tenouirostris, Burm.) in N. Mavine, Shetland
H. B. Fantham1912Herpetomonas pediculi n. sp. parasitic in the alimentary canal of Pediculus vestimenti, the human body louse
N. Leon1912Insectele vătămătoare din România. Malophagele
N. Leon1912Insectele vătămătoare din România. Pediculidele
C. W. Howard1912Insects directly or indirectly injurious to man and animals in Mocambique, East Africa
L. Moulé1912Le parasitologie dans la litterature antique. III. Parasites de la peau et des tissues sous-jacents
K. Wolfgang Wolffhügel1912Los insectos parasitarios de los animales domesticos en la republica Argentina
V. Lyman Kellogg, Mann W. M.1912Mallophaga from islands off Lower California
W. Evans1912Note on Mallophaga from the little auk or rotchie (Alle alle); with list of species taken on birds and mammals in the Forth area
B. Galli-Valerio1912Notes de parasitologie
J. Howard Paine1912Notes on a miscellaneous collection of Mallophaga from mammals
J. Waterston1912Notes on some ectoparasites in the Museum Perth, part II
L. George Neumann1912Notes sur les Mallophages - II. 1. Sur le genre Menopon. 2. Espèces nouvelles
L. George Neumann1912Notes sur les Pédiculidés. III
T. H. Johnston, Harrison L. J. S.1912On a collection of Mallophaga from the Kermadecs
J. Waterston1912On Docophorus bassanae D. and Lipeurus staphylinoides D.
J. Waterston1912On Mackayia dimorpha, a new genus and species of Mallophaga from the manx shearwater
R. Thaxter1912Preliminary descriptions of new species of Rickia and Trenemyces
R. S. Bagnall, Hall W.1912Records of some bird-lice (Mallophaga) - I
L. George Neumann1912Sur le genre Gyropus Nitzsch
W. Evans1912The little gull near Dunbar (Forth)
J. Howard Paine1912The mallophagan genus Heterodoxus Le Seuef [sic] and Bullen
L. J. S. Harrison1912The taxonomic value of certain parasites
J. Goldberger1912The transmission of typhus fever with special reference to transmission by the head louse (Pediculus capitus)
K. Eckstein1912Trichodectes longicornis Nitzsch, ein Parasit des Rehes
J. Waterston1912Two ectoparasites (Mallophaga) from the snipe (Gallinago caelestis, Frenzel); from Northmavine, Shetland
A. Cornelis Oudemans1912Über die Eier von Lipeurus quadripustulatus
B. Harms1912Über Haematopinus-Arten von einigen Suiden aus Deutsch-Ostafrika
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith