
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
W. W. Barnes, Elridge, B. F., Greenberg, J. H., Vivona, S.1962A field evaluation of malathion dust for the control of body lice
K. C. Emerson1962A new species of Mallophaga from New Guinea
D. K. Scharff1962An investigation on the cattle louse problem
P. L. G. Benoit1962Anoplures recueillis par U. Rahm au Kivu (Congo)
A. Smetana1962Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bionomie der mitteleuropäischen Kleinsäugerläuse
G. S. Nelson1962Dipetalonema reconditum (Grassi, 1889) from the dog with a note on its development in the flea Ctenocephalides felis and the louse Heterodoxus spiniger
R. A. Mauri, Capri J. J.1962Ectoparásitos de ratas de la ciudad de Buenos Aires
J. F. Bell, Jellison, W. L., Owen, C. R.1962Effects of limb disability on lousiness in mice. I. Preliminary studies
M. D. Murray1962Efficiency of insecticides against the sheep body louse (Damalinia ovis)
J. J. Turyanin1962K voprosu o faune Mallophaga i Anoplura nekotorykh teplokrovnykh zivotnykh Karpat
V. D. Sevastyanov1962Khatni misi Kmelnickoi oblasti yak perenosciki parasiticnikh clenistonogikh
P. L. G. Benoit1962Le genre Werneckia Ferris (Anoplura-Hoplopleuridae)
N. A. Bezukladnikova1962Lice of rodents from Zailisky Alatau
K. Kaneko1962Notes on two new sucking lice (Hoplopleuridae: Anoplura) found on northern palm squirrel from India
W. F. Rapp Jones,1962Pecaroecus javalii, Arizona, on Pecari tojacu sonoriensis, new record
P. L. G. Benoit1962Pedicinus bilobatus n. sp. parasite sur Cercopithecus neglectus Schlegel (Anoplura-Holopleuridae)
P. L. G. Benoit1962Polyplax kaiseri auf Gerbillus (Diplodillus) harwoodi
P. True Johnson1962Redescriptions of two cervid-infesting Anoplura from Southeast Asia
R. B. Heisch, Harvey A. E. C.1962The development of Spirochaeta duttoni and S. recurrentis in Pediculus humanus
R. C. Anderson1962The helminth and arthropod parasites of the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus); A general review
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith