
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
G. H. E. Hopkins0On certain multigraphed documents - published or unpublished?
S. C. Van Mourik0Ectoparasites in Australian waterfowl
O. F. Müller1776Insect: Aptera, Pediculus
G. Wolfgang F. Panzer1798Pediculus
W. M. De Haan1829Mallophaga
H. Denny1852List of British Anoplura
A. Murray1861On the pediculi infesting the different races of men
F. Rudow1869Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Mallophagen oder Pelzfresser. Neue exotische Arten der Familie Philopterus
A. Spring Packard, Jr.1872Mallophaga
A. Spring Packard, Jr.1873Descriptions of new species of Mallophaga collected by C. H. Merriam while in the government geological survey of the Rocky Mountains, Professor F. V. Hayden, United States Geologist
Anonymous1874Review: Descriptions of new species of Mallophaga collected by C. H. Merriam while in the government geological survey of the Rocky Mountains in Sixth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories...
P. de Rougemont1880Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de M. E. Piaget sur les Pédiculines
E. Piaget1880Les pédiculines: Essai monographique
A. Spring Packard, Jr.1887On the systematic position of the Mallophaga
H. Osborn1890Mallophaga
E. Piaget1890Nirmus assimilis Piaget
G. Enderlein1903Die Landarthropoden der von der Tiefsee-Expedition besuchten antarktischen Inseln. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer "Valdivia" 1898 - 1899
J. Gross1905Untersuchung über die Ovarien von Mallophagen und Pediculiden
W. Evans1907A new louse (Haematopinus ovillus, Neum.) from the sheep
V. Lyman Kellogg1910Mallophagan parasites from the california condor
M. C. Hall1912The parasite fauna of Colorado (excerpt)
C. G. Hewitt1912The transmission of typhus fever by lice
A. S. Leslie, Shipley A. Everett1912Animals which live on or within grouse: ectoparasites
W. Evans1912Mallophaga from the ptarmigan
E. Mjöberg1913Über einige auf Java von E.D.W. Jacobson gesammelten Mallophagen und Anopluren
Anonymous1913Review: Mitzmain, (M.B.), Collected notes on the insect transmission of surra in carabaos, Philippine Agricultural Review (Vety.) Vol. 5 No 12, Dec. 1912, pp680-681
V. Lyman Kellogg1914Ectoparasites of mammals
J. Howard Paine1914Note on Linognathus forficula Kellogg and Paine
G. W. Herrick1915Some external parasites of poultry with special reference to Mallophaga, with directions for their control
A. D. Peacock1916The louse problem at the Western Front
G. H. Lamson, Jr., Manter J. A.1916Some lice and mites of the hen
G. Floyd Ferris1916A catalogue and host list of the Anoplura
G. H. Lamson, Jr.1917The life-histories of the cattle lice
E. Hindle1917Notes on the biology of Pediculus humanus
D. C. Mote1917Some external parasites of poultry
N. C. Rothschild1917Convergent development among certain ectoparasites
G. Enderlein1917Uber einige subantarktische Mallophagen
M. C. Hall1918The control of lice on horses with special reference to winter conditions
W. Byam, Carroll, J. H., Churchill, J. H., Dimond, L., Lloyd, L. L., Sorapure, V. E., Wilson, R. M.1918Trench fever: a louse-borne disease
T. Steel1919The external parasites of the dingo (Canis dingo Blumenbach)
E. Hindle1919Sex inheritance in Pediculus humanus var. corporis
P. Alfred Buxton1920Body-lice under summer condition in Mesopotamia
E. Hindle1921Notes on Rickettsia [R. tricodectae in Trichodectes pilosus]
G. Floyd Ferris1922Concerning lice
G. Floyd Ferris1923The place of the systematist in modern biology
G. Floyd Ferris1923Mallophaga
H. Ellsworth Ewing1923New genera and species of sucking lice
H. Ellsworth Ewing1924Lice from human mummies
H. Ellsworth Ewing1924Bird-infesting Mallophaga collected by the Williams' Galapagos Expedition
P. Alfred Buxton1924Applied entomology of Palestine, being a report of the Palestine government


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith