
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
L. J. S. Harrison1913Hippoboscid flies with Mallophaga, exhibited
V. Lyman Kellogg1913Distribution and species-forming of ectoparasites
S. J. Johnston1913Trematode parasites and the relations and distribution of their hosts
R. Stobbe1913Mallophagen. 3. Beitrag: Die Trichodectiden des Berliner Museums fur Naturkunde
R. Stobbe1913Mallophagen. 2. Beitrag. (Die Gattung Eutrichophilus Mjöberg)
L. H. Valette1913Apuntes descriptivos sobre algunos invertebrados encontrados en un viaje a las Islas Orcadas. Invertebrados. I Insectos
J. Howard Paine1913A new genus of Mallophaga
O. Keller1913Die Antike Tierwelt
V. Lyman Kellogg1913Ecto-parasites of the monkeys, apes and man.
H. Ellsworth Ewing1913Some external parasites of poultry
A. Eysell1913Die Krankheitserreger und Krankheitsüberträger unter den Arthropoden
B. Galli-Valerio1913Notes de parasitologie et de technique parasitologique et observations sur quelques temeurs des animaux
G. Guénaux1913Traitement des maladies parasitaires des oiseaux de Basse-Cour
G. W. Herrick1913Some external insect parasites of domestic fowls
V. Lyman Kellogg1913Docophori of the owls
D. F. Laurie1913Parasites of poultry
E. Mjöberg1913Mallophaga
W. Scott Patton, Cragg F. W.1913A text-book of Medical Entomology
Shiraki1913Ippan no gaichyn ni kwansuru chosa
J. J. Simpson1913Entomological research in British West Africa
J. Waterston1913What is the true host of Nirmus interruptus Piaget?
J. Waterston1913A suggestion for securing certain Liotheidae (Mallophaga)
J. Waterston1913Docophorus megacephalus Denny in Shetland
C. Nicolle, Blaizot, L., Conseil, E.1913Etiologie de la fièvre récurrente; son mode de transmission par le pou
R. Stobbe1913Mallophagen. 1. Beitrag: Neue formen von Säugetieren (Trichophilopterus und Eurytrichodectes nn. gen.)
H. Fahrenholz1913Ectoparasiten und Abstammungslehre
B. Frederic Cummings1913On some points in the anatomy of the mouth-parts of the Mallophaga
B. Frederic Cummings1913Note on the crop in the Mallophaga and on the arrangement and systematic value of the crop-teeth
F. Schömmer1913Über die Mallophagen, insbesondere die unserer Haustiere
J. Howard Paine, Mann W. M.1913Mallophaga from Brazilian birds
B. Frederic Cummings1913On some nondescript Anoplura and Mallophaga
L. George Neumann1913Mallophaga
L. George Neumann1913Notes sur les Mallophages - III
T. H. Johnston, Harrison L. J. S.1913A note on Australien Pediculids
W. Evans1913A list of Anoplura obtained in the Forth area
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith