
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
G. Enderlein1906Läusestudien V. Schuppen als sekundäre Atmungsorgane, sowie über eine neue antarktische Echinophthiriiden-Gattung, 12. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der antarkischen Fauna
H. Fahrenholz1916Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Anopluren
L. Und1919Die Eier der Läuse
G. A. H. Bedford1920Descriptions of a new genus and species of louse from an elephant-shrew
J. A. Arkwright, Bacot A. W.1921A bacillary infection of the copulatory apparatus of Pediculus humanus
F. Corry Bishopp1921Solenopotes capillatus, a sucking louse of cattle not heretofore known in the United States
L. Florence1921The hog louse, Haematopinus suis Linné: its biology, anatomy and histology
F. van Emden1925Zur Kenntnis der Eizähne der Arthropoden, insbesondere der Coleopteren
G. A. H. Bedford1926A synoptic check-list and hostlist of the ectoparasites found on South African Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia. Part I
G. A. H. Bedford1927Description of a new genus and species of Anoplura (Lemurphthirus galagus) from a lemur
G. A. H. Bedford1927Descriptions of three new species of Anoplura from South African mammals
V. B. Wigglesworth1929Phthiriasis in Primates: a sidelight on phylogeny
M. Aschner1932Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Symbiose der Kleiderlaus
G. A. H. Bedford1932A synoptic check-list and hostlist of the ectoparasites found on South African Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia. (Second Edition)
M. Aschner, Ries E.1933Das Verhalten der Kleiderlaus beim Ausschalten der Symbionten
M. Aschner1934Studies on the symbiosis of the body louse. I. Elimination of the symbionts by centrifugation of the eggs
G. Floyd Ferris1934A summary of the sucking lice (Anoplura)
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky, Serdyukova G. V.1935Sur la biologie de pou du buffle et la lutte contre ce parasite
G. A. H. Bedford1936A synoptic check-list and host-list of the ectoparasites found on South African Mammalia, Aves, and Reptilia (Supplement No.1.)
G. A. H. Bedford1936New species of Linognathus and Polyplax (Anoplura)
F. Leoni Werneck1938Sobre os mallophagos da cabra, do cavallo e do jumento
H. Weber1939Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Überordnung Psocoidea. 5. Zur Eiablage und Entwicklung der Elefantenlaus Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget
W. Eichler1940Korrelationen in der Stammesentwicklung von Wirten und Parasiten
V. B. Wigglesworth1941The sensory physiology of the human louse Pediculus humanus corporis De Geer (Anoplura)
Anonymous1942The head louse and modern hairdressing
Anonymous1942Health under Hitler
W. Eichler1943Die Mallophagengattung Columbicola Ewing: II. Die Columbicolinae und ihre Wirte
V. B. Wigglesworth1943The fate of Haemoglobin in Rhodnius prolixus and other blood-sucking arthropods
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1949Strojene piseevaritelnoj sistemy puchoedov v sviasi s ich pitanjem
H. G. Amsel1950Stammesgeschichte des Menschen und Läuse-Systematik
W. Eichler1950Aviparasitologische Erfahrungen
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1950Lice of synantropic rodents of Tadzhikistan
W. Eichler1951Laboulbeniales bei Mallophagen und Läusen
M. A. R. Ansari1952Studies on Phthirapteran parasites on mammals from the Panjab
F. E. Evans, Smith F. E.1952The intrinsic rate of natural increase for the human louse, Pediculus humanus
E. F. Cook1954A Modification of Hopkin´s technique for collecting ectoparasites from mammalian skins
A. Hase1954Ludwig Freund, 1878-1953
K. Touleshkov1954B´skite (Anoplura)- Ektoparaziti po domasnite zivotni i coveka. (Les poux (Anoplura) ectoparasitessur les animeaux domestiques et l´homme)
K. Bayreuther1955Holokinetische Chromosomen bei Haematopinus suis (Anoplura).
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1955K morfologii jajca puchoedov (Mallophaga)
L. L. Ellis, Jr.1955A survey of the ectoparasites of certain mammals in Oklahoma
M. A. R. Ansari1956A host-list of Phthirapteran parasites (lice) found on Indo-Pakistan mammals (Mammalia) and birds (Aves)
M. A. R. Ansari1958Alphabetical list of the hosts of Phthiraptera from the collection of the Institute of Parasitology of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris.
K. Baudisch1958Beiträge zur Zytologie und Embryologie einiger Insektensymbiosen
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1958Mallophaga and Anoplura from animals of the Wrangel Island
I. Wiggins1958Gordon Floyd Ferris - Memorial Number. Contribution Number 103
J. R. Beer, Cook E. F.1958The louse populations on some deer mice from western Oregon
J. S. Ash, Monk J. F.1959A collection of Ornithomyia spp. (Dipt., Hippoboscidae) from Oxfordshire
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1959K voprosu ob evolucii puchoedov (Mallophaga)
W. Eichler1959Die Ektoparasiten unserer Haustiere


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith