
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
A. M. R. Downs, Stafford, K. A., Hunt, L. P., Ravenscroft, J. C., Coles, G. C.2002Widespread insecticide resistance in head lice to the over-the-counter pediculocides in England, and the emergence of carbaryl resistance
D. A. Burns1987The treatment of Phthirus pubis infestation of the eyelashes
W. A. Jamieson1895The treatment of pediculosis vestimentorum
D. A. Burns1991The treatment of human ectoparasite infection
I. F. Burgess, Coulthard, M., Heaney, J.1991Scalp infestation by Liposcelis mendax
A. Arnaud, Chosidow, O., Détrez, M. - A., Bitar, D., Huber, F., Foulet, F., Le Strat, Y., Vandentorren, S.2016Prevalences of scabies and pediculosis corporis among homeless people in the Paris region: results from two randomized cross-sectional surveys (HYTPEAC study)
I. F. Burgess1993New head louse repellent
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A. M. R. Downs, Stafford, K. A., Harvey, I., Coles, G. C.2000Evidence for double resistance to permethrin and malathion in head lice: reply from authors
A. M. R. Downs, Stafford, K. A., Harvey, I. I., Coles, G. C.2000Evidence for double resistance to permethrin and malathion in head lice: reply from authors
M. Dawes2000Evidence for double resistance to permethrin and malathion in head lice
A. M. R. Downs, Stafford, K. A., Stewart, G. H., Coles, G. C.1999Evidence for double resistance to permethrin and malathion in head lice
D. Bessis, Chraibi, H., Guillot, B., Guilhou, J. J.2003Erythema annulare centrifugum induced by generalized Phthirus pubis infestation
J. Heukelbach, Wilcke, T., Winter, B., Feldmeier, H.2005Epidemiology and morbidity of scabies and pediculosis capitis in resource-poor communities in Brazil
J. Q. Tang, Ran, X., Ran, Y. P.2017Cover Image: Dermoscopy in vivo for the life cycle of Phthirus pubis
M. M. Cameron1997Can house dust mite-triggered atopic dermatitis be alleviated using acaricides?
D. A. Burns1987Action of cotrimoxazole on head lice
D. A. Burns, Sims T. A.1988A closer look at Pthirus pubis
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith