
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
K. Touleshkov1974Mallophaga of the Balkan Mountains
K. Touleshkov1974Anoplura from small mammals of the Balkan Mountains
K. Touleshkov1970Mallophaga einiger Rabenvögel der "Stara-Planina"
K. Touleshkov1965Mallophaga (Insecta). Ectoparasites of the Starling (Sturnus vulgaris L.)
K. Touleshkov1964Prinos kam Mallophaga po ptici ot sem. Charadriidae v Bulgarija
K. Touleshkov1964Mallophaga of Thrace
K. Touleshkov1964Anoplura of Thrace
K. Touleshkov1963Puchojadi (Mallophaga) vansni paraziti po pticite i bozanjnicite
K. Touleshkov1963Investigations of the Mallophaga of Bulgaria
K. Touleshkov1962Natural foci of diseases in the Petrich and Gotse Delchev areas
K. Touleshkov1962Lice (Anoplura) on mammals studied in the areas of towns of Petrich and Gotse Delchev
K. Touleshkov1961A new Penenirmus species (Mallophaga)
K. Touleshkov1961Mallophaga bei Vögeln und wildlebenden Säugetieren im Gebiet des Strandzagebirges
K. Touleshkov1961Mallophaga of the avian family Columbidae in Bulgaria
K. Touleshkov1961Untitled
K. Touleshkov1961Anoplura bei den wildlebenden Säugetieren im Gebiet des Strandzagebirges
K. Touleshkov1960Mallophaga on birds of the Laridae in Bulgaria
K. Touleshkov1960Mallophaga on ravenous birds (Corvidae) in Bulgaria
K. Touleshkov1959New Saemundssonia (Mallophaga) species on species of the Larus genus
K. Touleshkov1959Mallophaga als Ektoparasiten der Hührenvögel (Gallinaceae)
K. Touleshkov1959Haemodipsus lyriocephalus Burm (Anoplura) po Lepus europaeus Palas v Bulgaria
K. Touleshkov1959Two new mallophag[sic] species on the species of the larine family
K. Touleshkov1958Puchojadi (Mallophaga) vodnite ptici ot razredite Gressores, Steganopodes, Anseres, Tubinares i Pygopodes v Bulgarija
K. Touleshkov1957A new louse subspecies Neohaematopinus laeviusculus bulgaricus n.spp. (Anoplura) on Citellus citellus in Bulgaria
K. Touleshkov1957Puchojady po chiscnite pticy v Bulgarija
K. Touleshkov1957A new louse species Cyclophthirus ferrisi n. sp. (Anoplura) on Citellus citellus L. in Bulgaria
K. Touleshkov1957Anoplura on undomesticated mammals in Bulgaria
K. Touleshkov1955Puchojady (Mallophaga) ektoparaziti po domasnite zivotni v Blgarija
K. Touleshkov1955Kosmojady (Trichodectoidea, Mallophaga) po bozajnicite v Bulgarija
K. Touleshkov1954B´skite (Anoplura)- Ektoparaziti po domasnite zivotni i coveka. (Les poux (Anoplura) ectoparasitessur les animeaux domestiques et l´homme)
K. Touleshkov1953Mallophaga - ectoparasites sur les oiseaux et les mammiferes domestiques
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith