
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
M. Bonanno, Lee, O. S., Sayed, C.2022Decreases in scabies and lice cases among the pediatric and adult populations during COVID‐19
T. Simonart, Lam_Hoai, X. - L., De Maertelaer, V.2021Epidemiologic evolution of common cutaneous infestations and arthropod bites: A Google Trends analysis
S. Rose Mathachan, Sardana, K., Khurana, A.2021Current use of ivermectin in dermatology, tropical medicine, and COVID-19: An update on pharmacology, uses, proven and varied proposed mechanistic action
S. Sonthalia, Agrawal, M., Bhatia, J., Zeeshan, M., Elsamanoudy, S., Tiwary, P. Kumar, Bhat, Y. Jabeen, Jha, A. Kumar, Bosseila, M.2021Entodermoscopy update: A contemporary review on dermoscopy of cutaneous infections and infestations
M. I. Alberfkani, Mero W. M. S.2020The Incidence of Scabies and Head Lice and Their Associated Risk Factors among Displaced People in Cham Mishko Camp, Zakho City, Duhok Province, Iraq
K. Bartosik, Tytuła, A., Zając, Z., Buczek, W., Jasztal-Kniażuk, A., Błaszkiewicz, P. Szczepan, Borzęcki, A.2020Scabies and Pediculosis in Penitentiary Institutions in Poland—A Study of Ectoparasitoses in Confinement Conditions
A. Eduardo Co Cardoso, Cardoso, A. Eduardo Oi, Talhari, C., Santos, M.2020Update on parasitic dermatoses
M. J. Geary, Russell, R. C., Moerkerken, L., Hassan, A., Doggett, S. L.202030 years of samples submitted to an Australian Medical Entomology Department
S. Kar, Yadav, N., Bonde, P., Verma, V.2020Cutaneous Diseases Caused by Arthropods and Other Noxious Animals
Sweeney, A., Russell, J. J., Russell, E.2019Scabies and Head Lice
I. Muršić, Kuric, I., Raguž, M., Kovačević, T., Muršić, D.2018Treatment of Scabies and Pediculosis in Health Educa- tion Publications and Folk Medicine of Eastern Croatia – Slavonija, Baranja, and Western Srijem County
Ü. Çetinkaya, Şahin, S., Ulutabanca, R. Özlem2018The Epidemiology of Scabies and Pediculosis in Kayseri
O. Chosidow, Bernigaud, C., Do-Pham, G.2018High-dose ivermectin in malaria and other parasitic diseases: a new step in the development of a neglected drug
A. Arnaud, Chosidow, O., Détrez, M. - A., Bitar, D., Huber, F., Foulet, F., Le Strat, Y., Vandentorren, S.2016Prevalences of scabies and pediculosis corporis among homeless people in the Paris region: results from two randomized cross-sectional surveys (HYTPEAC study)
J. Heukelbach, Wilcke, T., Winter, B., Feldmeier, H.2005Epidemiology and morbidity of scabies and pediculosis capitis in resource-poor communities in Brazil
I. M. Damriyasa, Failing, K., Volmer, R., Zahner, H., Bauer, C.2004Prevalence, risk factors and economic importance of infestations with Sarcoptes scabiei and Haematopinus suis in sows of pig breeding farms in Hesse, Germany
E. Orion, Matz, H., Wolf, R.2004Ectoparasitic sexually transmitted diseases: scabies and pediculosis
W. Paukstadt2004Ectoparasites are not a rarity in Germany, too. Lice and scabies alert!
M. Richardson2004Causes and effective management of insect bites in the UK
S. Consigny, Chosidow O.2003Cutaneous infections in the homeless
B. Estrada2003Ectoparasitic infestations in homeless children
F. Romanelli2002Treatment-resistant scabies and lice infections
P. A. Becherel, Chosidow O.2002Ectoparasitic skin diseases. Scabies and pediculosis
E. Caumes, Danis M.2001New indications for ivermectin
J. M. Smits, Merks J. W.2001The importance of different pig diseases in the Netherlands
S. Venna, Fleischer, Jr, A. B., Feldman, S. R.2001Scabies and lice: review of the clinical features and management principles
O. Chosidow2000Scabies and pediculosis
M. L. Elgart2000Current treatments for scabies and pediculosis
F. A. Oladimeji, Orafidiya, O. O., Ogunniyi, T. A., Adewunmi, T. A.2000Pediculocidal and scabicidal properties of Lippia multiflora essential oil
E. Lonc, Okulewicz A.2000Scabies and head-lice infestations in different environmental conditions of Lower Silesia, Poland
J. Lowe2000Skin care. Are you up to scratch?
T. Rostila, Salo E.2000Parasites--tiny but unpleasant companions at home and in the daycare
P. A. Becherel, Barete, S., Frances, C., Chosidow, O.1999Ectoparasitoses (pediculosis and scabies): therapeutics
J. Droogan1999Treatment and prevention of head lice and scabies
M. L. Elgart1999Current treatments for scabies and pediculosis
I. F. Burgess1998Cutaneous parasites
C. G. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. N., Burkhart, K. M.1998An assessment of topical and oral prescription and over-the- counter treatments for head lice
J. W. Maunder1998Lice and scabies. Myths and reality
K. M. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. N., Burkhart, C. G.1997Update on therapy: Ivermectin is available for use against lice
J. I. Figueroa, Hawranek, T., Abraha, A., Hay, R. J.1997Prevalence of skin diseases in school children in rural and urban communities in the Illubabor province, south-western Ethiopia: a preliminary survey
N. B. Logan, Weatherley, A. J., Jones, R. M.1996Activity of doramectin against nematode and arthropod parasites of swine
S. Brown, Becher, J., Brady, W.1995Treatment of ectoparasitic infections - review of the English language literature, 1982-1992
M. Y. Youssef, Sadaka, H. A., Eissa, M. M., el-Ariny, A. F.1995Topical application of ivermectin for human ectoparasites
H. B. Routh, Mirensky, Y. M., Parish, L. Charles, Witkowski, J. A.1994Ectoparasites as sexually transmitted diseases
S. Ozturkcan, Ozcelik, S., Saygi, G., Ozcelik, S.1994Spread of scabies and Pediculus humanus among the children at Sivas orphanage
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Miller, J., Manor, O., Benyshai, F., Klaus, S.1993The prevalence of ectoparasites in Ethiopian immigrants
N. B. Logan, Weatherley, A. J., Phillips, F. E., Wilkins, C. P., Shanks, D. J.1993Spectrum of activity of doramectin against cattle mites and lice
K. Ward1992Operation clean-up. The management of skin infestations
D. A. Burns1991The treatment of human ectoparasite infection
U. F. Haustein1991Pyrethrin and pyrethroid (permethrin) in the treatment of scabies and pediculosis


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith