
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
T. Clay1951An introduction to a classification of the avian Ischnocera (Mallophaga): Part I
E. M. Boyd1951A survey of parasitism of the starling Sturnus vulgaris L. in North America
T. Clay, Hopkins G. H. E.1951The early literature on Mallophaga. Part II, 1763-1775
R. L. Edwards1951Studies of the Philopteridae (Mallophaga) from birds of the order Procellariformes
W. Eichler1951Mallophagen-Synopsis. XVII. Genus Koeniginirmus
G. Timmermann1951Die Mövenkneifer. Eine Revision sämtlicher bei echten Möven schmarotzenden Federlinge der Gattung Saemundssonia Tim., 1936
W. Eichler1951Laboulbeniales bei Mallophagen und Lausen
G. Timmermann1951Nýjungar um lúsaættkvislina Saemundssonia Tim.
F. S. Bodenheimer1951The nutritive value of insects as human food
P. Brinck1951Anoplura from the Galapagos islands
P. Brinck1951Polyplax alaskensis Ewing och P. borealis Ferris (Anoplura)
F. Bryk1951Entomologia ethnographica
W. Eichler1951Die Bedeutung der Mallophagenforschung für die Ornithologie unter dem Gesichtspunkt einer Kriterienkritik der aviparasitologischen Phyletodiagnostik
W. Eichler1951Grenzfälle der Parasitendifferenzierung. II. Esel -und Pferdelaus
W. Eichler1951Die Entwicklung der Fragestellung in der Parasitologie
W. Eichler1951Laboulbeniales bei Mallophagen und Läusen
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1951Puchoedy ptic - Useelje Kondara
E. M. Boyd1951The external parasites of birds: a review
C. Conci1951Mallophaga
M. T. I. Cowan1951The diseases and parasites of big game mammals of western Canada
R. B. Eads, Hightower B. G.1951Ectoparasites taken from Texas goats
G. A. Evstigneev1951Novye metody borby s ektoparazitami selskochozajstvennych ptic
G. Grandi1951Introduzione allo studio dell'entomologia. 8th. Ed.
A. V. Gusev1951K parazitofaune ussurijskogo enota (Nyctereutes procyonoides Gray, 1834)
R. Holdenried, Evans, F. C., Longanecker, D. S.1951Host-parasite-disease relationship in a mammalian community in the central coast range of California
A. Koch1951Die Bakteriensymbiose der Kopflaus
A. W. A. Brown1951Biting lice and sucking lice
G. H. E. Hopkins1951Proposed use of the plenary powers to designate type species for the genera "Lipeurus" Nitzsch, 1818, "Colpocephalum" Nitzsch, 1818, and "Gyropus" Nitzsch, 1818 (Class Insecta, Order Mallophaga) in harmony with the generally accepted use of those names
G. C. Menzies, Eads, R. B., Hightower, B. G.1951List of Anoplura from Texas
G. I. Korotkich1951Novaja technika v borbe s parazitami selskochozjajstvennych zyvotnych
V. I. Kurcatov, Petunin, F. A., Romanov, V. M., Neeynennyj, D. K.1951Aerozolonyi metod unietozenija ektoparasitov
D. Mukerji, Sarma P. S.1951Spermatheca in sucking louse
B. Rosicky1951Vliv vnějšího prostředí na specialisaci vší (Anoplura) k hostitelům
E. N. Pavlovskij1951Ueebnik parazitologii eeloveka s ueeniem o perenoseikach transmissivnych boleznej
F. G. A. M. Smit1951Vlooien en luizen
E. Séguy1951Prdre de mallophages
J. Tendeiro1951Subsidios para o conheccimento da entomofauna parasitaria de Moçambique
S. F. Viazkova, Zlotova A. A.1951Preparat "C. K.. 9" v borbe s ektoparazitami ptic
R. Wyninger1951Betrachtung über die Wirtsspezifität und geographische Verbreitung der Elephantenlaus Haematomyzus elephantis
R. S. R. Fitter, Richardson R. A.1951"Anting" of a Song-thrush
H. Wackernagel1951Eine Beobachtung von Einemsen an einer isoliert aufgezogen Rabenkrähe (Corvus corone L.)
G. H. E. Hopkins1951Proposed use of the plenary powers to designate type species for the genus "Eureum" Nitzsch, 1818, (Class Insecta, Order Mallophaga) in harmony with the generally accepted use of those names
S. von Kéler1951Bemerkingen zu Eichler's "Ergänzung" meiner "Übersicht über die gesamte Literatur der Mallophagen"
S. von Kéler1951Über Homer's "kynoraistes"
V. I. Kurcatov, Petunin, F. A., Neeynennyj, D. K., Romanov, V. M.1951Novyj mechanizirovannyj sposob borby s klescami i nasekomymi vrediascymi selskochozjajstvennym zyvotnym
M. A. R. Ansari1951Arthropods collected from birds of the Punjab (India)
P. Giroud, Gilruth J. A.1951Lysis of Rickettsia after introduction into lice.
L. Tomaszewski1951Effect of lice feeding on hosts' hemopoietic system with special reference to reticulocytes.
B. Sylvest1951Seasonal variation in the incidence of crab lice among loose women in Copenhagen
L. J. Lipovsky1951A washing method of ectoparasite recovery with particular reference to chiggers (Acarina: Trombiculidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith