
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
S. Chandra, Agarwal, G. P., Saxena, A. Kumar1989Distribution of Mallophaga on the body of Acridotheres tristis (Aves)
A. Darolová, Hoi, H., Krištofík, J., Hoi, C.2001Horizontal and vertical ectoparasite transmission of three species of Mallophaga, and individual variation in european bee-eaters (Merops apiaster)
T. A. Dick1981Ectoparasites of sharp-tailed grouse, Pediocetes phasianellus
J. P. Fabiyi1980The grey-breasted helmet guineafowl (Numida meleagridis galeata), a new host for Amyrsidea powelli (Bedford 1920) and Cuclotogaster occidentalis (Tendeiro 1954)
E. Lonc, Kopczynska-Maslej J.1986Infestacja gołębi domowych Columba livia dom., populacji wrocławskiej, wszołami stwierdzona latem 1983 r.
H. Wolfgang Ludwig, Stahl P.1974Infestation of pigeons with pigen lice Columbicola columbae columbae
F. Macchioni, Magi, M., Mancianti, F., Perrucci, S.2005Phoretic association of mites and mallophaga with the pigeon fly Pseudolynchia canariensis
H. Mester1977Incidence of Upupicola upupae in the crest of the hoopoe
E. Mey1982Technic for the collection of Mallophaga from live birds
W. R. Payne, Oates, D. W., Dappen, G. E.1990Ectoparasites of ring-necked pheasants in Nebraska
G. S. Pfaffenberger, Butler, W. F., Hudson, D. S.1980New host record and notes on mallophaga from the white-necked raven (Corvus cryptoleucus Couch)
J. Porkert1978Massive infestation of Goniocotes megalocephalus on an injured hazel-cock
M. L. Secord, Canaris A. G.1993The metazoan parasite community of migrating greater yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca, from the Rio Grande Valley, Texas and New Mexico
I. R. Stewart, Clark, F., Petrie, M.1996Distribution of chewing lice upon the polygynous peacock Pavo cristatus
S. H. Weisbroth, Seelig, Jr A. W.1974Struthiolipeurus rheae (Mallophaga: Philopteridae), an ectoparasite of the common rhea (Rhea americana)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith