
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
B. O. Abdulkareem, Christy, A. L., Ugbomoiko, U. S.2019Prevalence of ectoparasite infestations in owned dogs in Kwara State, Nigeria
A. Abera, Gebrewahd T. Tkue2019Prevalence and risk factors of ectoparasites in small ruminants in and around Haramaya University, eastern Oromia Region, Ethiopia
D. Belén Acosta, Ruiz, M., Sanchez, J. P.2019First molecular detection of Mycoplasma suis in the pig louse Haematopinus suis (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) from Argentina
P. V. Adem2019Emerging and re-emerging rickettsial infections
E. Adly, Nasser, M. Gamal El- D., Soliman, D., Gustafsson, D. R., Shehata, M.2019New records of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera) from Egyptian pigeons and doves (Columbiformes), with description of one new species
E. Ahaotu, Akinfemi, A., Okorie, K. C.2019Economic Importance and Widespread of Ectoparasites Infestation in Indigenous Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). A Study from Selected Local Government Councils and States in Nigeria
Y. Ajith, Dimri, U., Gopalakrishnan, A., Devi, G.2019A field study on the efficacy of ivermectin via subcutaneous route against chewing lice (Bovicola caprae) infestation in naturally infested goats
L. E. Allan, Livermore, L., Price, B. W., Shchedrina, O., Smith, V. Stuart2019A Novel Automated Mass Digitisation Workflow for Natural History Microscope Slides
N. Amanzougaghene, Fenollar, F., Davoust, B., Djossou, F., Ashfaq, M., BITAM, I., Raoult, D., Mediannikov, O.2019Mitochondrial diversity and phylogeographic analysis of Pediculus humanus reveals a new Amazonian clade “F”
O. Mahmood Amin, Mahmood, H. Faieeq D., Muhammed, A. A., Hussein, S. A., Mohammed, L. O., Rostam, B. W.2019Prevalence of head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis L. and their relation to anxiety among primary school children in Kalar district, Kurdistan region-Iraq
J. E. Anonby2019Psocoptera of Canada
H. Saeed Al-Aredhi, Al-Mayali H. Madlool2019Chewing lice parasitic on migratory aquatic birds in Al- Delmaj marsh/ Iraq
E. Baker, Dupont, S., Smith, V. Stuart2019Ecological interactions in the Scratchpads virtual research environment
R. Barbieri, Drancourt, M., Raoult, D.2019Plague, camels, and lice
S. C. Barker, Barker D.2019Killing Clothes Lice by Holding Infested Clothes Away from Hosts for 10 Days to Control Louseborne Relapsing Fever, Bahir Dah, Ethiopia
I. Bauer2019Itchy critters: Preparing volunteer travelers for head lice infestation
A. Begum, Mukutmoni, M., Akter, F.2019Parasite diversity in mallard: A cross sectional study on Anas platyrhynchos from Munshiganj, Dhaka
O. J. Benedictow2019Epidemiology of Plague: Problems with the Use of Mathematical Epidemiological Models in Plague Research and the Question of Transmission by Human Fleas and Lice
P. Kehoma Boll2019Should we save or should we get rid of parasites?
V. M. Bowles, Hanegraaf, S., Ahveninen, T., Sidgiddi, S., Allenby, K., Alsop, H.2019Effect of a New Head Lice Treatment, Abametapir Lotion, 0.74%, on Louse Eggs: A Randomized, Double-Blind Study
B. Bramanti, Namouchi, A., Schmid, B. V., Dean, K. R., Stenseth, N. Chr.2019Reply to Barbieri et al.: Out of the Land of Darkness: Plague on the fur trade routes
E. R. Brunton, Whelan, I. P., French, R., Burgess, M. N., Burgess, I. F.2019Head louse egg and nit remover—a modern “Quest for the Holy Grail”
D. M. Buehler2019Lice, shorebird hitch-hikers
S. E. Bush, Villa, S. M., Altuna, J. C., Johnson, K. P., Shapiro, M. D., Clayton, D. H.2019Host defense triggers rapid adaptive radiation in experimentally evolving parasites
K. Candy, Akhoundi, M., Bruel, C., Izri, A.2019Pediculicidal Activity Assessment of Four Essential Oil Terpenoids Using Filter Contact and Immersion Bioassays
N. Castelletti, Barbarossa M. Vittoria2019A mathematical view on head lice infestations
T. A. Catanach, Johnson, K. P., Marks, B. D., Moyle, R. G., Valim, M. Paiva, Weckstein, J. D.2019Two lineages of kingfisher feather lice exhibit differing degrees of cospeciation with their hosts
M. A. Cheslock, Embers M. E.2019Human Bartonellosis: An Underappreciated Public Health Problem?
S. - S. Choong, Mohamad, M. _Abt., Hamdan, R. Hayati, Tan, L. - P.2019Prevalence of parasites in working pig‐tailed Macaques (Macaca nemestrina in Kelantan, Malaysia
X. Chu, Dik, B., Gustafsson, D. R., Che, X., Zhang, Q., Zou, F.2019The Influence of Host Body Size and Food Guild on Prevalence and Mean Intensity of Chewing Lice (Phthiraptera) on Birds in Southern China
J. Nunes Pere Costa, Rocha, F. Samara Bar, Borges, L. Da Silva, Ribeiro, I. Marjory Ma, de Mendonça, I. Lopes2019Ectoparasitismo por Struthiolipeurus rheae (Harrison, 1916) em emas criadas em cativeiro
L. R. Cruthers, Colwell D. D.2019Arthropoda (Phthiraptera, Anoplura & Mallophaga - Biology and life cycle)
H. Dagne, Biya, A. Aba, Tirfie, A., Yallew, W. Worku, Dagnew, B.2019Prevalence of pediculosis capitis and associated factors among schoolchildren in Woreta town, northwest Ethiopia
J. W. Demastes, Hafner, D. J., Hafner, M. S., Light, J. E., Spradling, T. A.2019Loss of genetic diversity, recovery and allele surfing in a colonizing parasite, Geomydoecus aurei
S. Dhar, Srinivas S. M.2019Pediculosis and Cimicosis
B. Dik, Selçuk, A. Yesari, Kefelioğlu, H., Keskin, A.2019A preliminary report of the sucking lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Anoplura) of some small mammals of Turkey with four new records
J. Doña, Osuna-Mascaró, C., Johnson, K. P., Serrano, D., Aymí, R., Jovani, R.2019Persistence of single species of symbionts across multiple closely-related host species
J. Doña, Serrano, D., Mironov, S., Montesinos‐Navarro, A., Jovani, R.2019Unexpected bird–feather mite associations revealed by DNA metabarcoding uncovers a dynamic ecoevolutionary scenario
J. Doña, Sweet, A. D., Johnson, K. P.2019Parasite dispersal influences introgression rate
J. H. Dredge, Winter, T. W., Alset, A. E.2019Phthiriasis Palpebrarum Treated with Oral Ivermectin
L. A. Durden2019Lice (Phthiraptera)
L. A. Durden, Robinson, C., Cook, J. A., McLean, B. S., Nyamsuren, B., Greiman, S. E.2019A New Species of Sucking Louse from the Long-Tailed Ground Squirrel, Urocitellus undulatus, from Mongolia, with a Key to Species, and a Review of Host Associations and Geographical Distributions of Members of the Genus Linognathoides
D. A. Eads2019Parasitism of Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs by Linognathoides cynomyis (Phthiraptera: Polyplacidae)
D. Ebmer, Navarrete, M. José, Muñoz, P., Flores, L. Miguel, Gärtner, U., Taubert, A., Hermosilla, C.2019Antarctophthirus microchir infestation in synanthropic South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) males diagnosed by a novel non-invasive method
F. Eertmans, Rossel, B., Serrano, L., Rivera, E., Adriaens, E.2019Efficacy and Safety of a Water-Based Head Lice Lotion: A Randomized, Controlled, Investigator-Blinded, Comparative, Bicentric Study
J. Ehlers, Poppert, S., Ratovonamana, R. Y., Ganzhorn, J. U., Tappe, D., Krüger, A.2019Ectoparasites of endemic and domestic animals in southwest Madagascar
M. E. Eremeeva, Warang, S. S., Anderson, M. L., Capps, D., Zohdy, S., Durden, L. A.2019Molecular Survey for Pathogens and Markers of Permethrin Resistance in Human Head Lice (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) from Madagascar
M. P. A. Espinaze, Hui, C., Waller, L., Dreyer, F., Matthee, S.2019Parasite diversity associated with African penguins (Spheniscus demersus) and the effect of host and environmental factors
S. Feng, Li, H., Song, F., Wang, Y., Stejskal, V., Cai, W., Li, Z.2019A novel mitochondrial genome fragmentation pattern in Liposcelis brunnea, the type species of the genus Liposcelis (Psocodea: Liposcelididae)
V. Forbes, Huchet, J. - B., McManus-Fry, E., Gómez_Coutouly, Y. A., Masson-MacLean, J., Masson-MacLean, É., Ledger, P. M., Britton, K., Hillerdal, C., Knecht, R.2019Activity Areas or Conflict Episode? Interpreting the Spatial Patterning of Lice and Fleas at the Precontact Yup’ik Site of Nunalleq (Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries AD, Alaska)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith