
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
J. W. Maunder1981Clinical and laboratory trial employing carbaryl against the human head-louse, Pediculus humanus capitis (DeGeer)
M. K. Polano1983Pediculosis therapy
L. Charles Parish1985Pthirus pubis and lindane resistance
R. deBoer, van der Geest L. P.1985The efficacy of malathion against head lice
E. Lonc, Mazurkiewicz, M., Kozak, M.1987Effect of organophosphate and pyrethroid preparations in vitro on lice from hens
J. Ibarra, Hall D. M. B.1996Head lice in schoolchildren
D. Levenson2000Lice treatment guidelines emphasize careful medication use
M. Inés Picollo, Vassena, C. V., Mougabure-Cueto, G. A., Vernetti, M., Zerba, E. Nicolás2000Resistance to insecticides and effect of synergists on permethrin toxicity in Pediculus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae) from Buenos Aires
A. Spiren, Svensson, A., Jorgensen, E.2000Swimming lice in child day care center--ABC on the treatment of lice infestations. An adequate therapy and contact tracing are successful factors
C. S. Dodd2001Treatment of head lice
J. Vinuelas2001Permethrin-resistant pediculosis
P. Bates, Rankin, M., Cooley, W., Groves, B.2001Observations on the biology and control of the chewing louse (Bovicola limbata) of Angora goats in Great Britain
F. Romanelli2002Treatment-resistant scabies and lice infections
R. J. Roberts2002Clinical practice. Head lice
A. M. Bailey2002Persistent head lice following multiple treatments
C. Dolianitis, Sinclair R.2002Optimal treatment of head lice: is a no-nit policy justified?
J. A. Witkowski, Parish L. Charles2002Pediculosis and resistance: the perennial problem
G. C. Coles, Stafford K.2002Cypermethrin resistance in Angora goat lice?
A. M. R. Downs, Stafford, K. A., Hunt, L. P., Ravenscroft, J. C., Coles, G. C.2002Widespread insecticide resistance in head lice to the over-the-counter pediculocides in England, and the emergence of carbaryl resistance
P. D. Copson2004Super bugs
R. J. Roberts, Burgess I. F.2005New head-lice treatments: hope or hype?
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith