
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
L. A. Favorova, Chernyshova, T. F., Beshcheva, N. I., Mikhailov, A. K.1965On the possibility of transmission of tick relapsing fever by lice. II. The fate of spirochaetae of tick relapsing fever in the organism of body lice in the first day after infective feeding
N. A. Kamennov, Alekseev, A. N., Starkov, A. V., Volkova, A. P., Larinova, V. D.1966Studies of ovicidal drugs
T. F. Chernyshova1967A comparative study of multiplication of Borrelia sogdianae in the hemolymph of a "rabbit" race and common body lice. IV
L. A. Faborova, Chernyshova, T. F., Beshcheva, N. I., Mikhailov, A. K., Trifonov, V. I.1967On the possibility of transmission of tick relapsing fever by lice. 3. Further data on the fate of tick relapsing fever spirochaetae in the organism of body lice
T. F. Chernyshova1968Possibilities of transmission of tick relapsing fever by lice. V. The dynamics of Bor. sogdianae multiplication in hemolymph of body lice
L. K. Nechaeva, Kozlov, A. N., Zhovtyi, I. F.1981Ectoparasites of the Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus norvegicus Berk. 1769 in northern Kazakhstan
I. V. Tarasevich, Zemskaia, A. A., Khudobin, V. V.1988Diagnosis of the species of lice in the genus Pediculus
B. V. Boev, Barabash, V. K., Tarasevich, I. V.1991The mathematical modelling of the processes in the natural multiplication of human lice (exemplified by the head louse population
A. I. Frolova, Khudobin V. V.1995Pediculosis and the problems of its control at the current stage
V. V. Khudobin1995The adaptive potentials of human head and clothes lice when parasitizing on man
P. A. Chirov, Ozerova R. A.1997The taxonomy of human head and body lice
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith