
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
H. Carl Conra Burmeister1838Mallophaga Nitzsch
H. Carl Conra Burmeister1839Pediculus
H. Denny1842Monographia anoplurorum Britanniae on an Essay on the British Species of Parasitic Insects
F. Louis Paul Gervais1844Dicères épizioques
A. Eduard Grube1851Parasitae. Fam. Mallophaga
A. Wilhelm Grube1851Parasitae. Fam. Pediculina
C. Ludwig Nitzsch1864Beobachtungen der Arten von Pediculus
H. Osborn1891The Pediculi and Mallophaga affecting man and the lower animals
H. Osborn1896Insects affecting domestic animals. Suborder Parasita
R. Kohaut1897Hemiptera- Aptera.
H. Osborn1900Description of a new species of Haematopinus
L. George Neumann1902Deux nouvelles Pédiculines (Note rectificative)
L. George Neumann1903Deux nouvelles Pédiculines (note rectificative)
E. Cziki1904Die Läuse. A tetvek
G. Enderlein1904Läuse-Studien. I. Über die Morphologie, Klassifikation und systematische Stellung der Anopluren nebst Bemerkungen zur Systematik der Insektenordnungen
G. Enderlein1905Über einen auffälligen Sexualdimorphismus bei Polyplax spinulosa (Burm.). 5. Läusestudien IV
S. R. Christophers, Newstead R.1906On a new pathogenic louse which acts as the intermediary host of a new haemagragarin in the blood of the Indian field rat (Jerbellus indicus)
A. Glinkiewicz1907Parasiten von Pachyuromys duprasi
L. George Neumann1909Notes sur les Pédiculidés
E. Mjöberg1910Studien über Mallophagen und Anopluren
L. George Neumann1911Notes sur les Pédiculidés. II
J. Waterston1912Haematopinus (Haemodipsus Enderlein) ventricosus Denny, in N. Mavine, Shetland, with note on an easy method of its detection
H. Fahrenholz1912Diagnosen neuer Anoplura. Nachtrag
L. George Neumann1912Notes sur les Pédiculidés. III
B. Frederic Cummings1912Anoplura from African hosts
H. Fahrenholz1912Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Anopluren
T. H. Johnston, Harrison L. J. S.1913A note on Australien Pediculids
W. Evans1913A list of Anoplura obtained in the Forth area
B. Frederic Cummings1914Descriptions of five new species of Anoplura and Mallophaga
B. Frederic Cummings1915Note on the mouth parts in a species of Polyplax (Anoplura) and on the relationship between Anoplura and Mallophaga
H. Fahrenholz1915Läuse verschiedener Menschenrassen
V. Lyman Kellogg, Ferris G. Floyd1915Anoplura and Mallophaga of north American Mammals.
V. Lyman Kellogg, Ferris G. Floyd1915Anoplura and Mallophaga from Zululand
B. Frederic Cummings1915On two new species of Polyplax (Anoplura) from Egypt
G. Floyd Ferris1916Mallophaga and Anoplura from South Africa with list of mammalian hosts of African species
G. Floyd Ferris1916Notes on Anoplura and Mallophaga from mammals, with description of four new species and a new variety of Anoplura
B. Frederic Cummings1916New species of lice
H. Fahrenholz1916Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Anopluren
J. Waterston1917A new African louse (Polyplax calva, n.sp.) from Cricetomys
H. Fahrenholz1919Zur Nomenklatur einiger Anopluren-Arten. II
G. A. H. Bedford1919Anoplura from South African hosts
A. Balfour1922Observations on wild rats in England with an account of their ecto- and endoparasites
G. Floyd Ferris1922Contributions towards a monograph of the sucking lice. Part III
E. Dudich1923Adatok hazánk Anoplura-faunájához
J. Waterston1923Two new Anoplura
G. Floyd Ferris1923Contributions towards a monograph of the sucking lice. Part IV
H. Ellsworth Ewing1923New genera and species of sucking lice
L. Freund1924Läusestudie V. Die Kaudalregion der weiblichen Läuse
H. Ellsworth Ewing1924Sucking lice from Jack Rabbits
G. A. H. Bedford1927Description of a new genus and species of Anoplura (Lemurphthirus galagus) from a lemur


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith